Registration is expected to open once successful applicants have been notified on February 15 (i.e. after you receive a confirmation of the acceptance of your abstract). At that time, please check back at this page, where you will be able to fill out an online registration form.
All participants registering for the Spring Meeting are required to pay the appropriate fees.
During the registration period, we provide instructions on the different methods of fee payment that will be available, as well as on the deadlines of payment.
RC28 offers travel awards up to 500 USD for low-income members in order to present their work. Travel awards are given only once in a four-year period to the same person. In order to be eligible to receive a travel award, you need to send your paper and one or more letters of recommendation to the organizer of the 2007 Spring Meeting (Petr Mateju) and to the Secretary/Treasurer of RC28 (Meir Yaish).
Deadline for travel awards for the 2007 Spring meeting of RC28 is April 1, 2007. The applicant must be registered as a participant of the conference.
Decisions about travel awards will be made before May 1, 2007. The award(s) will be announced publicly at the conference.
Send applications to:
Petr Mateju
Department of the Sociology of Education and Stratification
Institute of Sociology
Jilská 1,
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Phone/Fax: +420 222 220 678
Meir Yaish
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Haifa
Haifa 31905, Israel
Fax: +972-4-8240819