Projekt: Long-wavelength Electro-Magnetic Radiation Analyzer for the Luna-Glob mission (LEMRA-L)

The goal of the project is to improve our knowledge of the wave phenomena in the vicinity of the Moon using the Long-wavelength Electro-Magnetic Radiation Analyzer (LEMRA-L) onboard the Luna-Glob spacecraft. The scientific motivation is to investigate properties of electromagnetic waves in the solar wind, in the lunar wake and its boundaries and in the mini-magnetospheres connected to magnetic anomalies at the lunar surface. We will analyze multicomponent measurements of wave polarization, propagation and nonlinear wave-particle interactions. The development and manufacturing of the analyzer is directly related to our scientific activities.

Founded by: MŠMT. Kód LH12231

Duration: 2012-2015

Investigator: Santolík, O.