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1 Oct 11 - 20 Apr 13
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Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute

Alumni Changing the World

Conference Program

Conference Sessions

Friday, October 7, 16:00–17:30 

Pavel Čížek

“Bias-corrected Least Absolute Deviation Estimation of Censored Regression Models” (Abstract)
Room 2, 2nd floor

Ctirad Slavík

“Tough Love for Lazy Kids: Dynamic Insurance and Equal Bequests” (Abstract)
Room 3, 2nd floor

René Levínský

“Should I Remember More than You? On the Best Response to Factor-based Strategies” (Abstract)
Room 403, 4th floor

Saturday, October 8, 09:00–10:30 

Gueorgui Kambourov

“Labor Supply and Government Programs: A Cross-Country Analysis” (Abstract)
Room 2, 2nd floor

Eugen Kováč

“Market Share Dynamics in a Duopoly Model with Word-of-Mouth Communication” (Abstract)
Room 3, 2nd floor

Jan Babecký

“Early Warning Indicators of Economic Crises: Evidence from a Panel of 40 Developed Countries” (Abstract)
Room 4, 2nd floor

Peter Tóth

“Exchange Rate Shocks to Export Sales of Importers. Model and Evidence from Czech Manufacturing Firms”
Room 6, 2nd floor

Oleksandr Romanko

“Optimization in Finance and Risk Management”
Room 403, 4th floor

Saturday, October 8, 11:00–12:30 

Daniel Münich

“Education and Skills”
Room 2, 2nd floor

Juraj Stančík

“EU ICT R&D Investment Gap (A Company Level Analysis)” (Abstract)
Room 3, 2nd floor

Kamil Galuščák

“TFP and the Impact of Capital Measurement Error Correction on Firm-Level Production Function Estimation” (joint work with Lubomír Lízal)
Room 4, 2nd floor

Pavlo Blavatskyy

“Stronger Utility”
Room 6, 2nd floor

Martin Fukač

Room 403, 4th floor

Saturday, October 8, 14:00–15:30 

Alena Bičáková

“Gender Unemployment Gaps across EU: Blame the Family (Culture)” (Abstract)
Room 2, 2nd floor

Miana Plesca

“Empirical Characteristics of Legal and Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.” (joint work with Vincenzo Caponi) (Abstract)
Room 3, 2nd floor

Olga Popova

“Life Satisfaction and the Euro Adoption” (joint work with Vladimir Otrashchenko) (Abstract)
Room 4, 2nd floor

Andrey Timofeev

“Propensity to Invest and the Additionality of Capital Transfers” (Abstract)
Room 6, 2nd floor

Zuzana Fungáčová

“Does Competition Influence Bank Failures?” (Abstract)
Room 403, 4th floor

Saturday, October 8, 16:00–18:00 

Distinguished Economists Panel

Gérard Roland

“From Economics of Transition to Economics of Institutions”

Michelle White

“Bankruptcy, Mortgage Default and the Financial Crisis”

John Sutton

“Transferring Capabilities: From the Transition Economies of the 1990s to Sub-Saharan Africa Today”

Jan Švejnar – Panel Chair

Room 7, 2nd floor

Sunday, October 9, 09:00–10:30 

Khanifa Rasulova

“The Impact of Migration on Politico-economic Institutions of Sending Countries”
Room 2, 2nd floor

Sherzod Tashpulatov

“Estimating the Volatility of Electricity Prices: The case of the England and Wales Wholesale Electricity Market” (Abstract)
Room 3, 2nd floor

Branislav Saxa

“Perception is Always Right: The CNB’s Monetary Policy in the Media”
Room 4, 2nd floor

Maksim Yemelyanau

“Evidence from the Chernobyl Accident: The Effect on Schooling, Labor Market and Health Outcomes in Belarus” (Abstract)
Room 10, 2nd floor

Silvester van Koten

“Does an Emission Trading Scheme Facilitate Efficient Abatement Investments? An Experimental Study”
Room 403, 4th floor

Sunday, October 9, 11:00–12:30 

Dmytro Vikhrov

“Migration Costs and Determinants of Bilateral Migration Flows” (Abstract)
Room 2, 2nd floor

Jan Bena

“Strategic Investments, Technological Uncertainty, and Expected Return Externalities” (Abstract)
Room 3, 2nd floor

Karel Janda

“Bank Credit with Government Support” (Abstract)
Room 4, 2nd floor

Fusako Tsuchimoto

“Ethnic Diversity and Income Distribution: Theoretical and Empirical Approach” (Abstract)
Room 10, 2nd floor

Zvezda Dermendzhieva / Gueorgui Kolev

“Returns to Education in Albania” / “Dual versus Mono Boards and Chief Executive Officers' Compensation – Evidence from France”
Room 403, 4th floor