Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute


These 8 projects were selected from a total of 71 which were submitted with budgets totaling more than $700,000. An additional 7 projects were invited to revise and resubmit proposals; any projects in this second category which are selected for funding will be added to the list in late January / early February 2013.

Note that in cases where the award was made to a group of researchers, only the principal researcher(s) is/are named. Each project also includes a notation mentioning the sponsoring institution and the project title.

The projects in RRC 13 were selected in December 2012 and work begins in early 2013. The deadline for project completion is December 2013, though we allow researchers a one-time, six-month no-cost extension, extending the final deadline to June 2014. The research teams will present their interim findings at a workshop held in August 2013 in Prague. The resulting papers from these projects will be made available as they are submitted.

Principal Investigator(s)
Sponsoring Institution
Project Title

Vojtěch Bartoš
CERGE-EI, Prague
Sharing norms adherence and enforcement during seasonal food shortages: Experimental evidence from rural Northern Afghanistan

Petre Caraiani
Institute of Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
From Economic Miracle to Crisis: Accounting for output dynamics in PIGS economies

Filip Matějka
CERGE-EI, Prague
Can Limited Attention Explain Reference Dependence in Lottery Choice?

Martyna Kobus
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland
On the measurement of inequality for ordinal data

Anna Lovász
Institute for Economics, Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
The impact of parenthood status on male-female wage differentials: Are children driving the gender wage gap? Evidence from Poland and Hungary

Ott Toomet & Joshua Blumenstock
Department of Economics, Tartu University, Estonia
Migration and Ethnic Segregation

Balázs Muraközy & Álmos Telegdy
Institute of Economics, Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Political determinants of enterprise subsidies. The case of Hungary

Kirill Krasovskiy
CERGE-EI, Prague
The Impact of Information Type on the Incentives to Conditionally Cooperate: Experimental Evidence from the Linear Public Good Games