S = Slovanka
C = Cukrovarnická
Hrf = Harfa
T = Troja
O = Olomouc
Phone prefix for S and Hrf location is (+420) 266 05 xxxx,
the extension number may merely be dialed between them.
For C (+420) 220 318 xxx
Extension | Location | Room | Department | Web | ||
Ondřej Gabriel | 1271 |
gabrielo![]() |
Hrf | 21 | 96 | |
Petr Gallus | 2173 |
gallus![]() |
S | 240 | 22 | |
Kristína Ganzerová | 528 |
ganzerova![]() |
C | C 211/2 | 26 | |
Viera Gärtnerová | 2870 |
gartner![]() |
S | 20 | 17 | |
Julien Gautier |
gautier![]() |
Hrf | 92 | |||
Laura Gemini | 2841 |
gemini![]() |
U | C2. | 53 | |
Florian Gliksohn | 1282 |
gliksohn![]() |
Hrf | 23 | 96 | |
Milada Glogarová | 2708, 2897 |
glogar![]() |
S | 123, 147 | 12 | |
Veronica Goian | 2144 |
goian![]() |
S | 130 | 12 | |
Jiří Golasowski |
golasow![]() |
U | 91 | |||
Denis Gorbunov |
gorbunov![]() |
T | C 137 | 11 | ||
Jonathan Tyler Green |
green![]() |
S | ÚI | 91 | ||
Ivan Gregora | 2951, 2654 |
gregora![]() |
S | 128, 136 | 12 | |
Eva Grünthalová | 2743 |
grunthal![]() |
S | 59 | 33 | |
Jiří Grygar | 2660 |
grygar![]() |
S | 222 | 16 | >> |
Michal Gulka | 2634 |
gulka![]() |
S | 195 | 18 | |
Jaroslav Günther | 2173 |
gunther![]() |
S | 241 | 22 |
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