
Annual meetings of Prague Relativistic Astrophysics group

2012 (Heiligenblut, Austria, 11–18 August 2012)
2011 (Ginzling, Austria, 6–13 August 2011)
2010 (Gargellen, Austria, 14–21 August 2010)
2009 (Leogang, Austria, 14–21 June 2009)
2008 (Fügen, Austria, 23–30 August 2008)

(new) StrongGravity Kick-off meeting

The starting kick-off meeting of our new StrongGravity project is hosted by Prague Relativistic Astrophysics group on February 26-27. This five year EU-FP7 project brings together scientists from seven top European research institutions and universities, including the Astronomical Institute in Prague, who are experts in black-hole astrophysics. The aim is to improve our understanding of these objects and of processes that the place in their vicinity by improved modelling as well as by a systematic analysis of high quality X-ray observations with the use of newly developed models.

6th FERO meeting

The 6th meeting in a series of FERO (Finding Extreme Relativistic Object) workshops is hosted by Prague Relativistic Astrophysics group in late summer 2012. This project aims at a systematic analysis of well defined samples of high quality X-ray observations of nearby X-ray bright AGNs to study the signature of X-ray illuminated relativistic accretion disks in the spectral and timing domain.

Conference on Relativity and Gravitation

At the end of June 2012, a conference "Relativity and Gravitation – 100 years after Einstein in Prague" will be held in Prague and our group participates on its organization. The main theme of this meeting is to summarize the development in the theory of general of relativity and its applications is astronomy and cosmology over past 100 years.

Conference on probing strong gravity

In February 2010 we organized an international conference "Probing Strong Gravity Near Black Holes". The meeting discussed approaches to study strong gravity effects near black holes of all masses, including mainly line and continuum spectroscopy, timing, polarimetry and imaging.

IAU General Assembly in Prague

Symposium Black Holes — from Stars to Galaxies at the 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prague (21–25 August 2006). Proceedings can be ordered from Cambridge University Press.