Max Dvořák the Imperialist

Max Dvořák the Imperialist

Matthew Rampley (University of Birmingham) vystoupí ve středu 27. března 2013 v 15.30 h s přednáškou Max Dvořák the Imperialist. Přednáška se koná v rámci cyklu "Collegium historiae artium" v místnosti č. 117.

Přiložený soubor: 20130327_Rampley.pdf


Max Dvořák is often seen as a crucial figure in the development of art history in central Europe in the early twentieth century. Sir Ernst Gombrich recalled, for example, that his death in 1921 was greeted as a major public event. For Czechs in particular he was often lauded as being a representative of Czech scholarship, who helped establish an authentically 'Czech' art history. Yet for all that Dvořák was often attacked by German nationalist voices, he was hardly driven by strong Czech national sentiment. Indeed, his political views were clearly those of a loyal Habsburg subject, who argued for maintenance of the political and social status quo, and whose political views underpinned much of his art historical writing. Dvořák was thus in many respects a supporter of Habsburg imperialism. In this paper I explore these claims, and consider ways in which Dvořák can be seen as an apologist for the imperial order.

středa 27. března 2013 v 15.30 h
Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR Husova 4, Praha 1, sál 117, I. patro

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