Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute


These 36 projects were selected from a total of 115 which were submitted with budgets totaling nearly $1.6 million. Note that in cases where the award was made to a group of researchers, only the principal researcher/s is/are named.

Principal Investigator(s)
Sponsoring Institution
Project Title

Evžen Kočenda
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Modelling Stock Market Returns and Volatility: The Case of Selected Industrialized and New EU Member States
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Nora Markova
Foundation Democratic Future, Sofia, Bulgaria
How Does the Introduction of Social Insurance Change the Equity in Health Care Provision in Bulgaria? **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Mirjam Moravcová
Facutly of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Analysis of the Inter-ethnic Relationship in Czech Primary Schools in Relation to Czech Educational Policy
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Julia Varga & Gabor Kezdi
Budapest University of Economics and Business, Hungary
Labour Demand and State-Provided Education in Hungary: Is there a Mismatch?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Victor Cosmin Dragota
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Corporate Governance, Minority Shareholders and Shares Prices on Emerging Capital Markets: The Case of Romania **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02 || 03

Lajos Z. Bakucs & Imre Fertő
Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Price Transmission on Hungarian Agri-Food Markets
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Ivo Zhelev, Yana Georgieva & Anna Ionkova
ESTAT, Sofia, Bulgaria
Labour Market and Perspectives to Recent Higher Education Graduates in Bulgaria **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Przemyslaw Kulawczuk, Mieczyslaw Bak & Anna Szczesniak
Institute for Private Enterprise and Democracy, Warsaw, Poland
Strategies of Tax Competition and Harmonization in EU-25 and Their Potential Impact on Net Transfers of European Union to "New" Member States
Project Cancelled, Final Payment Withheld Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Ondřej Knot & Ondřej Vychodil
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Bankruptcy, Debt Structure, and Debt Contracts: Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Alexis Derviz
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Exchange Risk Management of the Czech Koruna in the Process of Joining the Euro Area
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Ivo Burger & Petr Sklenář
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
The Impact of the Slovak Tax Reform on Firms' Tax Evasion: A Comparative Study of the Czech and Slovak Republics
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Katarína Svítková
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Corporate Charity Giving: Influence of Taxes and Company-Related Factors - A Three-Country Study
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Anna Vitásková
Institute for Social and Economic Anlayses (ISEA), Prague, Czech Republic
The Effectiveness of the Czech System of Public Higher Education in a Knowledge-Based Society: High Selectivity and Low Productivity and their Effects on Innovation Potential of the Czech Republic
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Jiří Večerník
Institute for Social and Economic Anlayses (ISEA), Prague, Czech Republic
Labor Market and Earnings Affects on Family Income: Disparities in Market Income and Household Disposable Income in the Czech Republic Between 1988-2002
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Libor Dušek & Peter Katuščák
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Political Economy of Retirement Age
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Aaro Toomela
Department of Psychology, Tallinn Pedagogical University, Estonia
Noncognitive Consequences of Education: Personality and other Noncognitive Psychological Attributes in Persons with Different Levels of Education
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Daunis Auers & Toms Rostoks
EuroFaculty Riga - University of Latvia, Riga
Student Employment and Higher Education in Latvia: Part-time Work or Part-time Study?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Evgenii Dainov
Center for Social Practices, New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Blockages to Education Reform in Bulgaria **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Fatmir Mema
Albanian Socio Think-Tank (ASET), Tirana, Albania
Competitive Advantage of Firms in Albanian Industries: Current Situation and Policies for their Progress in the Future **
Project Cancelled Without Prejudice

Petra Ezzeddinne
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Prague, Czech Republic
Internal Restrictions in the Participation in the Czech Labor Market for Vietnamese & Ukrainian Ethnic Groups
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Alena Zemplinerová & Otar Gorgodze
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Education Subsidies and Skill-Based Technological Change in Central Europe

Karin Jõeveer & Peter Toth
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Financial Market Integration and External Finance Dependence: Evidence from a Eurozone Firm Panel
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Lubomira Anastassova
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
The Role of Education and Family Structure in Immigrants' Location Choice
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Štěpán Jurajda & Daniel Münich
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Czech Selective School System: Potential Discrimination Based on the Alphabet
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Eve Kikas
Faculty of Education, University of Tartu, Estonia
Individual and Contextual Factors in the Development of Aggressive Behaviour among Elementary School Children in Estonia
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Mariusz Jarmuzek
Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), Warsaw, Poland
Transparency of Fiscal Policy in Transition Economies
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02 || 03

Mihails Hazans
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Riga, Latvia
Demand for Education in Albania: Incentives and Obstacles
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Krešimir Žigić & Eugen Kováč
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Vertically Differentiated Markets with Innovation and Imitation: Impacts of Trade Policies and Trade Liberalization
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Ella Kallai & Mircea Maniu
IDEE Foundation, Bucharest, Romania
Direct and Reverse Causality Between Teacher Effect and Student Performance **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Ellu Saar & Marge Unt
Department of Social Stratification, Tallinn Pedagogical University, Estonia
Transition from Educational System to Labor Market in Transitional Countries
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Uldis Cerps & Anete Pajuste
Riga Business School at the Riga Technical University, Latvia
Securities Laws Enforcement in Transition Countries
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Vjacheslav Dombrovsky
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Riga, Latvia
Another Look at Informal Economics Using Car Registration Data for the Baltic States
Project Cancelled Without Prejudice

Milica Vukotić
Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses, Podgorica, Serbia and Montenegro
Economic Costs of Tobacco Use in Montenegro **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Mariana Kotzeva
Association for Analyses and Co-operation, Sofia, Bulgaria
Impact of Higher Education Reform on the Labor Market Performance of Youth in Balkan Countries **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Ticu Constantin
EuroEd Foundation, Iasi, Romania
Controversial Event as a Source of Conflict and Polarized Social Attitudes: Research and Practical Application for Education **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper


** These projects benefitted from a generous contribution to the East European regional research competition by the Austrian Government to support research in South Eastern Europe via the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (