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Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute

PhD Online Application

  1. Thank you for applying to the CERGE-EI PhD Program!

    Prepare all your materials before you start filling in the application. Please make sure you read the instructions before you apply so that the process goes smoothly.

    PDF of the complete form will be automatically sent to your email address when you submit your application. After finishing it, please print it out, sign it, and add it to the rest of your application package that you will send to CERGE-EI.

  2. Account Information

    (Required fields are marked with *)

  3. First Name*
    Invalid Input
  4. Surname*
    Invalid Input
  5. Email*
    You must provide a valid email
  6. Confirm Email*
    You must provide a valid email
  7. Password*
    Password cannot be empty
    Please make your password a mix of characters and numbers.
  8. Confirm Password*
    Password cannot be empty
  9. How did you hear about the CERGE-EI PhD program?*
    Please select how you found out about the CERGE-EI MA/PhD program.
  10. Specific Code
    Invalid Input
    Do not fill in if you were not given any
  11. Invalid Input
    Select if you have already taken
    CERGE-EI first year courses
    and are now applying
    to continue as a second year
    PhD student at CERGE-EI.
  12. Invalid Input
  • Account
  • Personal
  • Education
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Personal Details

    (Required fields are marked with *)

  2. Place of Birth*
    Invalid Input
    Exactly as it appears on your passport
  3. Date of Birth (yyyy-mm-dd)*
    Invalid Input
  4. Citizenship*
    Invalid Input
  5. Gender*
    Invalid Input
  6. Your name as it appears on the international page of your passport*
    Invalid Input
    Important for visa/administration purposes:
    please fill in even if it is the same
    as the name you entered on the Account page.
  7. Contact Information

  8. This address will be used for any further correspondence with CERGE-EI. Please make sure that it is complete and correct.
  9. Street Address*
    Invalid Input
  10. City*
    Invalid Input
    (and State if needed)
  11. Postal Code*
    Invalid Input
  12. Country*
    Invalid Input
  13. Phone Number
    Invalid Input
    (Include country code)
  14. Other Contacts
    Invalid Input
  • Account
  • Personal
  • Education
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Study Record

    (Required fields are marked with *)

  2. Please list post-secondary institutions attended, starting with the most recent.

  3. Most Recent School/Institution*
    Invalid Input
  4. Country*
    Invalid Input
  5. Field of Study*
    Invalid Input
  6. Degree Earned*
    Invalid Input
  7. (Expected) Graduation (yyyy-mm-dd)*
    Invalid Input
  8. Dates of Study (yyyy-mm-dd) *

  9. From
    Invalid Input
  10. To
    Invalid Input
  11. Next Most Recent School/Institution
    Invalid Input
  12. Country
    Invalid Input
  13. Field of Study
    Invalid Input
  14. Degree Earned
    Invalid Input
  15. (Expected) Graduation (yyyy-mm-dd)
    Invalid Input
  16. Dates of Study (yyyy-mm-dd)

  17. From
    Invalid Input
  18. To
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add Another Institution

  • Account
  • Personal
  • Education
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Relevant Coursework—Mathematics/Statistics

    Please provide information about up to four most advanced university-level courses you have taken in Mathematics or Statistics.

  2. Mathematics/Statistics Course 1
    Invalid Input
  3. Grade
    Invalid Input
  4. Institution
    Invalid Input
  5. Year
    Invalid Input
  6. Mathematics/Statistics Course 2
    Invalid Input
  7. Grade
    Invalid Input
  8. Institution
    Invalid Input
  9. Year
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add Another Course

  2. Relevant Coursework—Economics

    Please provide information about up to four most advanced university-level courses you have taken in Economics (microeconomics, macroeconomics, or other fields).

  3. Economics Course 1
    Invalid Input
  4. Grade
    Invalid Input
  5. Institution
    Invalid Input
  6. Year
    Invalid Input
  7. Economics Course 2
    Invalid Input
  8. Grade
    Invalid Input
  9. Institution
    Invalid Input
  10. Year
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add Another Course

  2. Courses Taught in English

    Please provide information about up to four most advanced courses in Economics or related fields, that you studied in English (lectures in English, exams and papers completed in English, textbook in English).

  3. Course Taught in English 1
    Invalid Input
  4. Grade
    Invalid Input
  5. Institution
    Invalid Input
  6. Year
    Invalid Input
  7. Course Taught in English 2
    Invalid Input
  8. Grade
    Invalid Input
  9. Institution
    Invalid Input
  10. Year
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add Another Course

  • Account
  • Personal
  • Education
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. References

    (Required fields are marked with *)

    Provide contact information for the two (or more) people you have chosen to assess your qualifications for the MA/PhD Program.

    Provide these people with the letter of recommendation forms available for download at www.cerge-ei.cz.

    Application is considered incomplete before at least two original letters of recommendation in sealed envelopes, with the recommender's signature over the seal, arrive at CERGE-EI.

  2. Reference 1
  3. Title, First Name, Surname*
    Invalid Input
  4. Email*
    Invalid Input
  5. University/Organization*
    Invalid Input
  6. Position*
    Invalid Input
  7. Reference 2
  8. Title, First Name, Surname*
    Invalid Input
  9. Email*
    Invalid Input
  10. University/Organization*
    Invalid Input
  11. Position*
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add Another Reference

  • Account
  • Personal
  • Education
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Employment

    List up to four of your employment activities, starting with the most recent.

  2. Most Recent Employer: Name and Location
    Invalid Input
  3. Position/Job Title
    Invalid Input
  4. Dates of Employment (yyyy-mm-dd)

  5. From
    Invalid Input
  6. To
    Invalid Input
  7. Next Most Recent Employer: Name and Location
    Invalid Input
  8. Position/Job Title
    Invalid Input
  9. Dates of Employment (yyyy-mm-dd)

  10. From
    Invalid Input
  11. To
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add another employer

  • Account
  • Personal
  • Education
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. English Skills Self-assessment

    Please indicate your evaluation of your competence in the English language.

  2. Writing: Invalid Input
  3. Reading: Invalid Input
  4. Speaking: Invalid Input
  5. Standardized Exams

    Standardized tests are not required to apply for the PhD program. However, we strongly encourage you to report your scores from these exams (such as TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge exams, or other tests such as the Graduate Record Examination, GRE), as they may increase your chance for admission.

    Please report the results for any standardized tests you have taken below, send us a photocopy of your results, or ask the testing service to forward your certificate to CERGE-EI (CERGE-EI codes are 2403 for TOEFL, 0223 for GRE).

    If the overall score consists of subfield scores, please report the subfield scores, e.g. “Read:25;Listen:23;Speak:22;Write:24”.

    The format for all exam dates is yyyy-mm-dd.

  6. Standardized English Language Exams

  7. Exam Title
    Invalid Input
  8. Exam Date
    Invalid Input
  9. Exam Score(s)
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add Another Exam

  2. Other Standardized Exams

  3. Exam Title
    Invalid Input
  4. Exam Date
    Invalid Input
  5. Exam Score(s)
    Invalid Input
  1. + Add Another Exam

  • Account
  • Personal
  • Education
  • Courses
  • References
  • Employment
  • Exams
  • Other
  1. Financial Support

  2. Invalid Input
  3. Invalid Input
  4. Invalid Input
  5. Field of Interest

    (This information is optional but very helpful for us. Please do not exceed 500 characters.)

    Please specify your field of interest, a possible topic of your dissertation, or names of the CERGE-EI professors that you would like to work with.

  6. Invalid Input
  7. Other Materials

    Please NOTE that your application is NOT complete until the following documents are received at CERGE-EI in paper form:

    • Printed and signed application form.
    • Curriculum vitae.
    • Statement of motivation—a 1000 to 2000-word statement explaining your academic and research background and interests, your career goals, and how the program at CERGE-EI will help you meet your objectives (please see the Statement of Motivation Guidelines).
    • Two notary verified copies of your Bachelor and Master diplomas, with Apostille or Superlegalization (if needed, please see the Nostrification of diplomas and transcripts Guidelines), translated into English. Not verified, certified and translated diplomas cannot be accepted.
    • Two notary verified copies of your Bachelor and Master transcripts, with Apostille or Superlegalization (if needed, please see the Nostrification of diplomas and transcripts Guidelines), translated into English. Not verified, certified and translated diplomas cannot be accepted.
    • Two letters of recommendation from persons familiar with your academic background in separate sealed envelopes, with the recommender's signature written across the seal (please use our recommendation letter forms).

    All other relevant documents that you find important that may increase your chance in the program (such as additional study records, certificates, etc).


    Before you submit your application, please check the information you have typed in! A typing error can cause your application to be delayed or to not be considered for admission.

    Data Protection Policy

    Data collected in this on-line application form and throughout the application and admissions process will be used only for admissions and educational purposes. None of the data will be given to third parties. Data received is considered personal and is protected under Czech Republic law according to Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments to Certain Acts (as amended by subsequent regulations), Act no. 106/1999 Coll. on the Free Access to Information (as amended by subsequent regulations), and Act no. 365/2000 Coll. on the Information Systems of the Public Government and on the Amendment to Certain Acts (as amended by subsequent regulations).

    Return of Submitted Documents

    All submitted application documents are kept at CERGE-EI for archiving purposes. They can be neither returned to the applicant nor used for the admission process in the following academic years.

    Telephone:(+420) 224 005 161
    Fax:(+420) 224 005 247

    Mailing Address:
    Graduate Studies Office
    P.O. Box 882
    Politických vězňů 7
    111 21 Praha 1
    Czech Republic

  9. Please enter the five lowercase letters displayed in the picture
    Please enter the five lowercase letters displayed in the picture   RefreshInvalid Input
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