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Radan Huth
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Phone: | +420 272 016 046 |
Room: | 116 |
Selected publications:
- Bochníček, Josef ; Davídkovová, Hana ; Hejda, Pavel ; Huth, Radan, 2012: Circulation changes in the winter lower atmosphere and long-lasting solar/geomagnetic activity, Annales Geophysicae, 30, - , pp. 1719-1726
- Štěpánek, P. ; Zahradníček, P. ; Huth, Radan, 2011: Interpolation techniques used for data quality control and calculation of technical series: an example of a Central European daily time series, döjárás. Quarterly journal of the Hungarian meteorological society, 115, 1-2, pp. 87-98
- Cahynová, Monika ; Huth, Radan, 2010: Circulation vs. climatic changes over the Czech Republic: A comprehensive study based on the COST733 database of atmospheric circulation classifications, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 422-428
- Huth, Radan ; Beck, Ch. ; Tveito, O. E., 2010: Classifications of Atmospheric circulation Patterns - Theory and Applications - Preface, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 307-308
- Huth, Radan, 2010: Synoptic-climatological applicability of circulation classifications from the COST733 collection: First results, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 388-394
- Kyselý, Jan ; Huth, Radan ; Kim, J., 2010: Evaluating heat-related mortality in Korea by objective classifications of "air masses", International Journal of Climatology, 30, 10, pp. 1484-1501
- Kyselý, Jan ; Huth, Radan, 2010: Relationships between summer air masses and mortality in Seoul: Comparison of weather-type classifications, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 536-543
- Philipp, A. ; Bartholy, J. ; Beck, Ch. ; Erpicum, M. ; Esteban, P. ; Fettweis, X. ; Huth, Radan ; James, F. ; Jourdain, S. ; Kreienkamp, F. ; Krennert, T. ; Lykoudis, S. ; Michalides, S. C. ; Pianko-Kluczynska, K. ; Post, P. ; Álvarez, D. R. ; Schiemann, R. ; Spekat, A. ; Tymvios, F. S. , 2010: Cost733cat-A database of weather and circulation type classifications, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 360-373
- Cahynová, Monika ; Huth, Radan, 2009: Enhanced lifetime of atmospheric circulation types over Europe: fact or fiction?, 61, 3, pp. 407-416
- Cahynová, Monika ; Huth, Radan, 2009: Changes of atmospheric circulation in central Europe and their influence on climatic trends in the Czech Republic, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96, 1-2, pp. 57-68
- Huth, Radan ; Pokorná, Lucie ; Bochníček, Josef ; Hejda, Pavel, 2009: Combined solar and QBO effects on the modes of low-frequency atmospheric variability in the Northern Hemisphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 13, pp. 1471-1483
- Huth, Radan ; Benestad, R. ; Lionello, P., 2009: Editorial, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96, pp. 1-2
- Vlček, Ondřej ; Huth, Radan, 2009: Is daily precipitation Gamma-distributed? Adverse effects of an incorrect use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Atmospheric Research, 93, 4, pp. 759-766
- Huth, Radan ; Kliegrová, S. ; Metelka, L., 2008: Non-linearity in statistical downscaling: does it bring an improvement for daily temperature in Europe?, International Journal of Climatology, 28, 4, pp. 465-477
- Barriopedro, D. ; García-Herrera, R. ; Huth, Radan, 2008: Solar modulation of Northern Hemisphere winter blocking, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D14, pp. D14118/1-D14118/11
- Beranová, Romana ; Huth, Radan, 2008: Time variations of the effects of circulation variability modes on European temperature and precipitation in winter, International Journal of Climatology, 28, 2, pp. 139-158
- Huth, Radan ; Beck, Ch. ; Philipp, A. ; Demuzere, M. ; Ustrnul, Z. ; Cahynová, Monika ; Kyselý, Jan ; Tveito, O. E., 2008: Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns: Recent advances and applications, New York Academy of Sciences. Annals, 1146, pp. 105-152
- Huth, Radan ; Kyselý, Jan ; Bochníček, Josef ; Hejda, Pavel, 2008: Solar activity affects the occurrence of synoptic types over Europe, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 7, pp. 1999-2004
- Beranová, Romana ; Huth, Radan, 2007: Time variations of the relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation and European winter temperature and precipitation, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 51, 4, pp. 575-590
- Huth, Radan, 2007: Arctic or North Atlantic Oscillation? Arguments based on the principal component analysis methodology, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 89, 1-2, pp. 1-8
- Huth, Radan ; Bochníček, Josef ; Hejda, Pavel, 2007: The 11-year solar cycle affects the intensity and annularity of the Arctic Oscillation, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 69, 9, pp. 1095-1109
- Kyselý, Jan ; Picek, J. ; Huth, Radan, 2007: Formation of homogeneous regions for regional frequency analysis of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 51, 2, pp. 327-344
- Huth, Radan, 2006: A method for finding the station where climatic trends are most representative for a region, International Journal of Climatology, 26, 4, pp. 523-530
- Huth, Radan, 2006: Pacific centre of the Arctic Oscillation: product of high local variability rather than teleconnectivity, Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 58A, č. 5, pp. 601-604
- Huth, Radan ; Pokorná, Lucie ; Bochníček, Josef ; Hejda, Pavel, 2006: Solar cycle effects on modes of low-frequency circulation variability, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D22, pp. D22107/1-D22107/19
- Huth, Radan, 2006: The effect of various methodological options on the detection of leading modes of sea level pressure variability, Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 58A, 1, pp. 121-130
- Kyselý, Jan ; Huth, Radan, 2006: Changes in atmospheric circulation over Europe detected by objective and subjective methods, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 85, 1-2, pp. 19-36
- Beranová, Romana ; Huth, Radan, 2005: Long-term changes in the heat island of Prague under different synoptic conditions, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 82, 1-2, pp. 113-118
- Huth, Radan, 2005: Downscaling of humidity variables: a search for suitable predictors and predictands, International Journal of Climatology, 25, 2, pp. 243-250
- Huth, Radan ; Pokorná, Lucie, 2005: Simultaneous analysis of climatic trends in multiple variables: an example of application of multivariate statistical methods, International Journal of Climatology, 25, -, pp. 469-484
- MŠMT. LD12053, Vyhodnocení vlivu proměnlivosti sluneční aktivity na atmosférickou cirkulaci v pozorováních i modelech, 2012-2015. Investigator: Huth, R.
- MŠMT. 7AMB12AR019, Vlivy proměnlivosti sluneční aktivity na atmosférickou cirkulaci jižní polokoule a jihoamerické klima v časových měřítkách roků až tisíciletí, 2012-2013. Investigator: Huth, R., Team: Novotná Dagmar
- GA ČR. GAP209/11/2405, Vývoj regionálního klimatického modelu pro velmi vysoké rozlišení, 2011-2014. Investigator: Huth, R.
- AV ČR. IAA300420805, Extraterestrické vlivy na atmosférickou cirkulaci v mírných a vysokých zeměpisných šířkách, 2008-2011. Investigator: Huth, R.