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Vladimír Fiala

† September 8,  2012

Vladimir Fiala graduated from the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague (1961).  After doing one year of his graduate studies in the Lebedev Institute of Physics in Moscow with Alexander Gurevich, he received his PhD in space plasma physics from the Geophysical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science (1967). 

From 1967 to 70 he worked in the Groupe de Recherches Ionospheriques/CNRS in France as a "charge de recherches" with L.R.O. Storey and then returned to his home institution. Dr. Fiala received a Fulbright Research Award to work in the University of Minnesota in 1994, and returned to work in the Department of Space Physics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. For several years he has also worked in France, Russia and the US in various space research laboratories on long term fellowships.

His research interests were in the theoretical space plasma physics: antenna-plasma interaction, propagation and excitation of plasma waves, he has published over 40 papers in refereed international journals and lectured on Space Physics in the Charles University in Prague.  Dr. Fiala was elected Vice-Chair (1993) to become the Chair (1996-99) of the  Commission on Waves in Plasmas, International Union on Radio Science (URSI) and worked also as  the President of the Czech National Committee of URSI.

He had a gift to share his enthusiasm with younger colleagues and was always ready to help.


"Vladimir was a good friend to me, and it grieves me to know that he and I will not see each other
again. One aspect of his character that I admired particularly is that not only did he do good
scientific work,
the best he could (which is the most that can be asked of any of us), but also he
willingly helped others
to do the same. He helped me very much, and for that I shall always
be grateful to him."

L. R. O. Storey

"Měl jsem tu možnost poznat dr. Fialu jako člena Dozorčí rady ÚSHM AV ČR a velmi jsem si ho vážil
pro jeho vyrovnaný postoj k problémům, které jsme řešili. Ústav fyziky atmosféry,
Akademie věd ČR
i celá akademická obec v něm ztrácí významného vědce a také vzácného člověka."

Miroslav Tůma, místopředseda Akademie věd České republiky

"I first met Dr Vladimir Fiala in 1969 when he was in the FR1 Group (FR1 was the first
French scientific satellite) lead by L.R.O. Storey at GRI (Groupe de Recherche Ionospherique)
in Saint-Maur des Fossés (France). He was then working on “Mutual Impedance Techniques”
and enjoyed the presence of Dr Gordon James, a Canadian pos-doc as him. I met him
regularly in Prague from 1981 to 1996 during the preparation of the INTERBALL project.
It was a difficult period during which Czechoslovakia progressively passed from the status
of an USSR’s satellite country to the status of a free country. During all that period he wrote
numerous scientific papers on electric antennas in plasmas, in particular with Dr V.I. Sotnikov
and his group. He had two difficult years when, in the first half of that period, he tried to keep
contact with Dr Gordon James. He was elected Vice-Chair of the URSI Commission H
(Waves in plasmas) at the 1993 Kyoto General Assembly and became Chair of that
Commission at the 1996 Lille General Assembly. He accomplished his task with great

intellectual rigor. In all that period and still up to the recent years, we pursued our friendship
via URSI meetings. Vladimir Fiala was for me a very high level scientist who used to examine
with all details of the points he wanted to make. He was also a man with a great humanity.
I have still his deep voice in my ears and I cannot think to him without remembering
his clear gaze and his discrete smile."
François Lefeuvre, LPC2E CNRS Orleans, France,
Past President of URSI (International Union of Radio Science)

"I was aware, and impressed by, some earlier work he had done on the behavior of antennas 
in plasma."

Paul Kellogg, University of Minnesota, USA

"So our worst fears have come true and we must bid him adieu...In the passing
of Vladimir Fiala, we have lost a steadfast friend whose spirit we continue
to admire. From his professional biodata one can see that Vladimir maintained an active
interest in various aspects of space physics. We are grateful to Vladimir for encouraging
international working relations. His organizational work as Chair of URSI Commission H and
as pivotal member of the Resonance Cone Club involving Russia, Czech Republic, France
and Canada are some examples of his contribution to world science. We are indebted
to Vladimir for his role in hosting working meetings that both were productive and gave
us foreigners chances to experience the unique city of Prague. For instance, we don´t forget
to acknowledge the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic that provides a swimming pool
in front of its IAP building in Sporilov. I suppose that nobody who ever knew Vladimir doubted
his sense of humour, which must have helped to sustain him through the challenges that his life
was to bring to him. His family and friends in Prague probably saw this often. Not long after
I met him, just after the sombre events of summer 1968 had begun in Czechoslovakia, he went
home to Prague from St. Maur to see how things were, and then returned to France with a report
that included a few good jokes..."

Gordon James, Communications Research Centre Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

"...я вспоминаю о Владимире и его сотрудничестве с учеными из Нижнего Новгорода
(Институт прикладной физики РАН). Это сотрудничество зародилось в результате взаимодействия
по линии комиссии H "Waves in plasma" URSI в конце 90-х годов прошлого века. Основная тема
сотрудничества связана с вопросами возбуждения волн антеннами и их распространением в
магнитоактивной плазме. Очень быстро (в 2000г) сформировался научный коллектив (group)
в составе: V. Fiala, H. G. James, Yu. V. Chugunov and E. A. Mareev. Учредители коллектива
назвали его Клуб (Resonance Cone Club)...Владимир, по существу, был координатором
работы Клуба, его активным членом, существенно поддерживал научную и оформитерскую работу
и пропагандировал научные достижения Клуба."

Юрий Чугунов, Институт прикладной физики РАН

"Vladimir was a visitor at the University of Minnesota during the final year of my PhD and I had
many warm and interesting discussions with him. He taught me a lot about wave modes in cylindrically
symmetric plasmas.
We had some dinners, drank some beer. I remember the time very fondly."
Stuart Bale, University of California, Berkeley, USA

"Мы с глубокой печалью узнали о кончине Владимира Фиалы, с которым у

нашей группы были давние научные связи и дружеские отношения. Владимир
был талантливым исследователем и прекрасным человеком. Нам будет очень
не хватать его."
Cотрудники Института прикладной физики РАН и Нижегородского университета
Юрий Чугунов, Петр Беспалов, Евгений Мареев, Андрей Демехов, Владимир Губченко,
Дмитрий Пасманик, Герман Марков

"It was really devastating news for us. Vladimir was such a good friend for more than 25 years. 
Not only we enjoyed working with him but also simply hanging in together during our visits
to Prague and meetings at various conferences. The world without him just gets darker."
Evgeny Mishin and Vladimir Sotnikov AFRL, USA

"I first met Vladimir in GRI, Saint Maur des Fossés, before 1970. I was working there as
a PhD student about particle instrumentation; he was turned on theoretical aspects of wave
instrumentation, already good to talk to, attentive, willing to help. Vladimir visited France
in the CRPE institute in Orléans, where I had moved with my husband, several times.
There, Vladimir and I shared the same room for some months, in year 1978 (74?),
and shared also thoughts about many subjects, science, politics, family, life ... His views
were always illuminating and thoughtful. I had turned to wave instrumentation, and, later,
Vladimir initiated a collaboration between our institutes, in Prague and Orléans, under which
Vladimir Sotnikov could visit us. I remember both Vladimir helping to rehabilitate an old
country house where we spent happy week ends with my large family. We met later again,
in Orléans and other places, as research commitments would allow. The last visit to him
has been in May 2010, in Prague, with a small group of friends, around beers and a dinner.
It has been good, then, to hear his voice, and continue the conversation that friends, even
far from each other, maintain. I will miss an admirable human being and true friend." 

Pierrette Décréau, LPC2E/CNRS Orleans, France

"I will always remember him even though I did not get the chance to see
him frequently. In particular I remember talking at length with him
at the URSI meeting in Maastricht 2002.
He had such great insight into wave particle interactions. I really enjoyed
the discussion and learnt a great deal from him. I will miss him and
remember him as a excellent scientist and kind person.
A person generous with his time to discuss with others.
I know we will all miss him."
Maha Ashour-Abdalla, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

"С глубоким прискорбием мы узнали о безвременной кончине Владимира Фиалы, 
одного из старейших сотрудников Отделения космической физики Института физики
атмосферы Академии наук Чешской Республики, и разделяем Вашу скорбь в связи
с тяжёлой утратой. Владимир Фиала был талантливым физиком-теоретиком в области
космической плазмы. Ему принадлежит ряд фундаментальных исследований по теории
антенн в плазме, которые легли в основу интерпретации спутниковых измерений
электромагнитных полей в околоземном космическом пространстве. Им выполнен целый
ряд важных исследований по теории распространения и неустойчивостей волан, а также
по диффузии неоднородностей в ионосфере. В течении длительного времени многие
сотрудники ИКИ поддерживали с Владимиром не только деловые, но и дружеские
отношения. С ним было легко и приятно общаться, он пользовался уважением
и авторитетом международного научного сообщества. Сотрудники ИКИ РАН выражают
глубокие соболезнования родным, друзьям и коллегам Владимира Фиалы.
Светлая память о нём навсегда сохранится в наших сердцах."

Лев Зелёный, Давид Шкляр, Татьяна Мулярчик, Георгий Застенкер,
Татьяна Романцова, Михаил Могилевский, Владимир Назаров

"..we’ll miss him - and I won’t forget the sound of his sandals. "
Thierry Dudok de Wit, LPC2E/CNRS & Université d’Orléans, France

" I’ll never forget how hospitable he was when I visited the institute in Prague for
the first time with my family
in 1996"..." He was so helpful and friendly during our stay
and we really felt comfortable there thanks to him.
He was always that way whenever
I visited the institute after that. Of course I also respected
his scientific knowledge
and leadership (we are co-authors on a few papers). He will be sorely missed. "

Dave Schriver, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

"...he is probably at the origin of the scientific collaboration between our two institutes."
Milan Maksimovic, Observatoire de Meudon, France

"...Je reçois cette nouvelle avec beaucoup de tristesse car avec Vladimir nous avons
eu beaucoup d´échanges amicaux et familiaux. .... c´est l´un de mes premiers collègues
depuis 1968 à St Maur, dans le projet FR1 (avec notamment Owen Storey et Christian Béghin).
Il est venu souvent à Paris et Orléans, et nous avons bénéficié de son accueil à Prague,
... Tous sont attristés de la perte de cet ami si attachant, cultivé, polyglotte, et nous
gardons en tête la sonorité de sa belle
voix grave."
Paul Gille, LPC2E, Orleans, France