
Analyses and trends in research, technologies and innovations

Reviewed journal. Issued by Technology Centre ASCR since 2006. The journal is published with the support of the ’Large Infrastructure for R&D&I‘ project, LM2010010 CZERA. Published at least twice a year.

    • Ergo, Vol. 7, No. 3 - December 2012
      • Suchý V., Škarka M., Vavříková L., Hladík P., Lorenz J.: What is the impact of the participation of Czech SMEs in the Framework Programmes of the EC for research, technological development and demonstration activities?
      • Daniel O.: Barriers for incoming of international researchers in the Czech Republic
      • Čadil V.: Smart specialisation as a new concept of the EU regional innovation policy
    • Ergo, Vol. 7, No. 2 - September 2012
      • Čadil V.: General evaluation framework for research, development and innovation programmes and its possible utilization in the Czech Republic
      • Frank D.: Evaluation of participation of Czech regions in FP7 projects during the period 2007 - 2011
      • Frank D., Škarka M.: Evaluation of Czech SME participation in the FP7in the period October 2007 - October 2011
      • Kučera Z., Vondrák T., Frank D.: R&D collaboration of the EU countries with partners beyond the EU group
    • Ergo, Vol. 7, No. 1 - January 2012
      • Žížalová P.: Science excellence and its transfer to the application sphere
      • Marek D., Žížalová P.: R&D infrastructures supported by the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation - regional structure and beneficiaries
      • Potůček M.: Towards the methodology of social forecasting
      • Marek D., Žížalová P., Valenta O.: R&D infrastructures supported by the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation – human resources sustainability
      • Potůček M.: Value anchorage of social forecasting
      • Havlíčková L., Vavříková L.: Development of international coordination of research activities in the EU through ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus: general trends and situation in the Czech Republic
      • Žížalová P.: New resources of innovation – challenges to the Czech Republic and its positioning in global economy
      • Vanžur J.: Innovation policy at regional level
      • Škarka M.: Analysis of Czech Organizations Participation in FP7 Surface Transport Projects and Transport Horizontal Activities in Years 2007 – 2009
      • Procházka L.: Analysis of Czech organizations participation in the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
      • Koníčková N., Vavříková L., Valenta O.: Do we exploit potential of the Czech Republic in cooperative international research on agriculture, food and biotechnology?
      • Škarka M.: Czech organizations in Research for SMEs FP7 projects in years 2007-2009: their roles, research topics and performance as reflected by statistical data
      • Vavříková L.: Measurement of international mobility of researchers: case study based on the data from EU Framework Programmes
      • Čadil V., Pechlát J.: The relevance of R&D&I projects supported by Structural Funds on development of the Prague's innovation potential
      • Demeterová A., Matoušková L., Bízek V.: Trend analysis of pollutant emissions in the Czech Republic: Application of the GAINS model
      • Kinkorová J.: The focus of research in FP7 Heatlh priority - outlook for years 2011-2013
      • Kučera Z., Pazour M.: Sectoral structure of the manufacturing industry and innovation support
      • Pazour M., Mráček K., Kučera Z.: Business R&D in economic recession - trends and expectations 
      • Čadil V., Pacvoň M.: Analysis of the R&D cooperation of the Czech Republic with selected "third" countries 
      • Kučera Z., Pazour M.: The role of technological agencies in the national innovation system
      • Pazour M: Methodology revision of the EIS international innovation performance comparison
      • Pazour M: Innovation performance of the Czech Republic in the EIS 2008 international comparison
      • Pokorný O.: Analysis of the innovation potential of regions of the Czech Republic: project results

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