Tuition and Financial Support
- Tuition
- Financial support
- Visegrad Fund Scholarship
- Government Scholarship
The program is tuition-free for most students
Nearly all students are awarded full tuition scholarships for the entire duration of their MA/PhD program. Students also typically receive financial support toward living costs based on their previous education (degree level) and qualifications. Masters degree holders are usually given full financial support. For students with a Bachelors degree, financial support is determined on an individual basis.
There is no application fee to the program.
For those students who are charged tuition for the first two years, the amount is set on an individual basis and is up to 12,000 EUR per academic year. Tuition is to be paid each semester by the first day of classes. For payment instructions, please contact us .
Financial support
Financial support for most students
- Financial support is paid in the form of a stipend from the first to the fourth year of study. Fifth-year students may receive funding in the form of a salary (are usually employed as Junior Economics Institute Researchers or Junior CERGE Researchers).
- The total support package is reviewed each year and is set at a level that enables students to afford a dormitory place, eat in the student cafeterias, and cover reasonable incidental expenses in Prague.
- The package is neither intended nor sufficient for a student to support a family while studying at CERGE-EI.
- The level of performance stipend rises over time (the exact amount depends on academic performance and other study requirements, such as fulfilling assistantship duties).
1ST year |
Standard amount 11,500 CZK (per month) |
2ND year |
Standard amount 12,500 CZK (per month) |
3RD year |
Standard amount 12,500 CZK (per month) |
4TH year |
Standard amount 9,500-12,500 CZK (per month) * |
5TH year |
Standard amount 9,500-12,500 CZK (per month) * |
* In addition to the standard amount, most students in the fourth and fifth year receive an Advanced Student Fellowship, such as a Teaching Fellowship (2400 USD per course), during the year.
Financial support for students with Bachelor's degree
- The financial conditions described above apply only to students who obtained a Masters degree or its equivalent prior to coming to CERGE-EI. Financial support for students with a Bachelors degree or equivalent will be determined on an individual basis. Students who have only a Bachelors degree are advised to apply to the Joint Masters in Economics program.
Visegrad Scholarship Program
Applicants from selected countries are encouraged to apply for additional scholarship at Visegrad Scholarship Program.
The International Visegrad Fund offers Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships awarded to selected scholars for periods of 1 or 2 semesters.
Applicants whose current (i.e., at the time of applying) university is further than 1,500 km from the selected host university/institute are eligible also for a one-time travel grant.
Citizens of the following countries and territories can apply:
Albania (AL), Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Czech Republic (CZ), Georgia (GE), Hungary (HU), Kosovo (XK), Macedonia (MK), Moldova (MD), Montenegro (ME), Poland (PL), Russia (RU), Serbia (RS), Slovakia (SK) and Ukraine (UA).
The deadline for applications is January 31 each year. For more information please see
Government Scholarships
Additional admissions to the PhD program are available for those students who are awarded a Czech Government Scholarship.
Prospective applicants for Government Scholarship are advised to address their inquiries concerning their eligibility and closing date for applications to the Czech Embassies in their countries. Applicants interested in Government Scholarship must submit their applications to the appropriate Czech Embassy. The deadline varies from country to country, but may be as early as November (please check with the appropriate Czech Embassy).
No separate application to CERGE-EI is required if applying for a Czech Government Scholarship. However, submitting an additional application directly to CERGE-EI may increase chances of being admitted to the PhD program.