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Cooperation with other institutions

The cooperation with universities is extensive and diversified. Many members of the Institute take part in undergraduate and graduate teaching, in examination commissions, in seminars and in joint research grants. The representation in scientific councils is mutual. The Institute cooperates with universities in the organization of conferences, summer schools, workshops etc. Moreover, the Institute cooperates with universities on formulation of projects of mathematics education in elementary and secondary schools and with the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists in the preparation and organization of the Mathematical Olympiad competitions. The Institute's library - the largest mathematical library in the country - collaborates with libraries of universities and research institutes in the Czech rapublic and abroad.

As an abstract discipline, mathematics finds its role in the domain of applications in most cases indirectly, in cooperation with some branch of science, technical sciences etc. The Institute endeavours to collaborate in this field with other institutes of the Academy, universities as well as industrial companies. The topics comprise, e.g., transfer phenomena of convection or diffusion of pollutants, properties of thin layers of metals and isolants on semiconductor surfaces, metastatic activities of tumor cells, further analysis of striation fields on fracture surfaces, and fluid dynamics.

Of cardinal importance are scientific contacts with foreign research institutions and universities comprising mutual research visits and invitations for lectures often underset with contracts on research exchange. The Institute makes a regular effort to generate resources for visiting scholars.

Jidnřich Nečas Centre for Mathematical Modeling

This is a joint project of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, the Institute of Mathematics and the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in 2005-2011. Its general goal is to establish a significant scientific team in the field of mathematical properties of models in continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, developed by an intensive collaboration of important research teams at three Prague affiliations and their goal-directed collaboration with top experts from abroad.

The main goal is to establish the centre which would be able to efficiently interact with similar teams or individuals working in applied areas home and abroad. Its role is at least two-fold: first, to act as a counseling centre in questions which approach to a given problem should be taken, and second, to be an acceptor of new stimulations to further development. The centre concentrates research fellows which are internationally respected experts in their research fields, which are closely connected to the scientific program of the center. Organization of long term lecture courses and the everyday interaction with PhD. students and undergraguate students aims at upbringing new generation of comepetent scientist and constituiong a basis for a strong and stable research team.

DIMATIA - Centre for Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and Applications

DIMATIA was established in September 1996 as a consortium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague with the aim to foster research in all fields of discrete mathematics and its modern applications and relationship to computer science, operations research and fields as diverse as biology, chemistry and social sciences. The centre organizes a continuing programme of workshops, conferences and research visits, postdoctoral positions announced and jointly supported by the partners and short-term visits of senior researches.

ITI - Institute for Theoretical Computer Science

ITI was founded in 2000 as a joint project of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, the Institute of Mathematics, the Institute of Computer Science AS CR in Prague, the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the Faculty of Informatics of the Masaryk University in Brno, funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in 2005-2011. Its main aim is to promote research in theoretical computer science and related fields with emphasis on the work of young researchers. ITI will also provide temporary positions for postdocs and distinguished senior researchers.

Eduard Čech Research Centre for Algebra and Geometry

The centre was established a a joint project by the Faculty of Science of the Masaryk University in Brno, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, and the Institute of Mathematics, funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in 2005-2011. Its aim is to support the development of mathematics in the Czech Republic and to promote the exchange of ideas throughout the Czech and foreign universities and institutes providing a meeting place for leading experts in the areas of mathematics which combine geometrical and algebraic approaches in the fields of geometric structures and geometric analysis, algebraic topology, algebra, algebraic number theory, logic and proof complexity. The centre offers six postdoc positions per year to young mathematicians and invites specialists to short term visits.

A-Math-Net Applied Mathematics Knowledge Transfer Network

During the last decades, natural, technical and social sciences experience an extensive mathematization. Application of mathematical methods in practice becomes an indispensable tool for maintaining the high level of applied research and, in general, for keeping the higher level of competitive ability. In compliance with this trend, the project A-Math-Net aims at developing a new knowledge exchange network in applied mathematics joining together institutions pertaining to higher education and research, private enterprises, and social spheres. The core of the project is to deepen the mutual coordination activities, create new links for information transmission from educational and research institutions to practice and for an efficient application of mathematical methods. The implementation of these activities will be supported by study visits and researchers' and students' stays at partner institutions and by specialized seminars and workshops. A project office will be created for applications of mathematics and interactive communicational platforms oriented at cooperation in the project implementation and coordination of the students' work.
The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and by the state budget of the Czech Republic.