39 captures
19 Mar 09 - 3 Aug 13
Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Research Departments
Political Sociology
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Akademické konferenční centrum
Head of department:
PhDr. Zdenka Mansfeldová, CSc.
Department members:
PhDr. Lukáš Linek, Ph.D.
PhDr. Petra Rakušanová Guasti, M.A., Ph.D.
Pat Lyons, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Mgr. Kateřina Vráblíková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tomáš Lacina
Bc. Pavla Vamberová
Bc. Ivan Petrúšek
“Social Apathy and Trust in the Civil Society: Czech – Taiwanese Comparison“, PPP Czech-Taiwanese Joint Research Project 2011-2012. Project coordinator for the Czech part.
Citizens and the State in the Czech Republic:The Impact and Legacy of the Prague Spring 1968-2008
RECON - Reconstituting Democracy in Europe
Europeanization of Political Representation in the Czech Republic
Legitimacy of the Political System and Inequalities: The Development in the Czech Republic in Comparative Perspective
InTune - Integrated and United: A Quest for Citizenship in an ‘ever closer Europe’
Citizenship, Publics and the Constitution for Europe: The Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia and Poland in European Integration (ConstEPS)
The Europeanization of the Political Representation in the Czech Republic (2007-2009), head of the project. GA ČR, reg. č. 407/07/1395.
NEWGOV - New Modes of Governance
Political and Legal Institutional Framework of the Czech Republic and its Changes in the Context of the Accession the the EU
Analysis of low number of women in political decision-making functions
Participation, Democracy and Citizenship in the Czech Republic and International Comparison
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment of EU based Companies on the Labour Relations in EU Candidate Countries - Taking the Examples of Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia
European Political Elites in Comparison: the Long Road to Convergence
Czech Political Parties after Ten Years
Parliamentary Documentation and Information Centre - Parliamentary DICe
Employment Problems and Industrial Relations in Central Europe. After the System Transformation: Focusing on the Czech Republic.
Analyses of The First Elections in the New Republic, 1992-1996
Deputies and Senators of the Parliament CR in the Third Term
Denki Rengo Survey III: Quality of working life
Information Needs Analysis: What Do You Want to Know about the European Union?
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