Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Semináře a workshopy oddělení 53

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Minulé semináře a workshopy

Dr. Yong-Ho CHA High-power slab and fiber lasers at KAERI 29.03.2013 10:00
Takeshi Higashiguchi Fundamental property of 6.X-nm EUV emission for the next generation lithography 16.07.2012 10:30
Dr. Danijela Rostohar Development and applications of lasers: how to make a laser suitable for industrial application 10.04.2012 10:30
Jörg Körner The way to next generation High Energy Class Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers 20.03.2012 10:00
Aude Sagnier Recent advances in laser diode pump engines for high power amplifiers 20.03.2012 10:00
Joachim Hein Status of the POLARIS Laser Project 20.03.2012 09:30
Stefano Bonora New deformable mirror technologies 08.02.2012 11:00
Venkatesan Jambunathan Ho doped potassium rare earth double tungstate laser operating around 2.1 μm 26.10.2011 11:00
Seong Hee Park Research activities on laser-plasma electron acceleration and gamma-ray generations at KAERI 20.04.2011 14:00
Kitae Lee Interaction of ultraintense laser pulse with plasmas for the generation of a high energy proton beam and an ultrashort x-ray pulse 20.04.2011 14:00
Leonid Glebov Laser beam control and fine spectral filtering by volume Bragg gratings in PTR glass 10.02.2011 10:00
Hyung Taek Kim Development of PW laser system at APRI and its applications 10.01.2011 14:00
Hakaru Mizoguchi Development of the 1st generation laser-produced plasma source for EUV lithography 19.11.2010 10:00
Antonio Lucianetti Nonlinear thermal effects and Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) in high-average-power solid-state lasers 27.10.2010 14:30
Prof. Akira Endo High average power, short pulse solid state lasers for compact X-ray sources via Compton scattering and plasma emission 21.10.2010 15:00
Stéphane Sebban Progress on laser driven x-ray sources at the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée 06.10.2010 09:30

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