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Marsalek O., Elles C. E., Pieniazek P. A., Pluharova E., VandeVondele J., Bradforth S. E., Jungwirth P.:
Chasing charge localization and chemical reactivity following photoionization in liquid water.
Journal of Chemical Physics 135: 224510 (2011).

Vazdar M., Vymetal J., Heyda J., Vondrasek J., Jungwirth P.:
Like-Charge Guanidinium Pairing from Molecular Dynamics and Ab Initio Calculations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115: 11193 (2011).

Lis M., Wizert A., Przybylo M., Langner M., Swiatek J., Jungwirth P., Cwiklik L.:
The effect of lipid oxidation on the water permeability of phospholipids bilayers.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13: 17555 (2011).

Volinski R., Cwiklik L., Jurkiewicz P., Hof M., Jungwirth P., Kinnunen, P.K.J.:
Oxidized Phosphatidylcholines Facilitate Phospholipid Flip-Flop in Liposomes.
Biophysical Journal 101: 1376 (2011).

Wernersson E., Heyda J., Vazdar M., Lund M., Mason P. E., Jungwirth P.:
Orientational Dependence of the Affinity of Guanidinium Ions to the Water Surface.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115: 12521 (2011).

Jungwirth P.:
Water's wafer-thin surafce.
Nature (Research News & Vievs) 474: 168 (2011).

Heyda j., Kozisek M., Bednarova L., Thomson G., Konvalinka J., Vondrasek J., Jungwirth P.:
Urea and guanidinium induced denaturation of a Trp-cage miniprotein.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115: 8910 (2011).

Kubickova A., Krizek T., Coufal P., Wernersson E., Heyda J., Jungwirth P.:
Guanidinium cations pair with positively charged arginine side chains in water. Mobility of Polyarginine and Polylysine.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2: 1387 (2011).

Vacha R., Rick S. W., Jungwirth P., de Beer A. G. F., de Aguiar H. B., Samson J.-S., Roke S.:
The orientation and charge of water at the hydrophobic oil droplet-water interface.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133: 10204 (2011).

Liu Y., Minofar B., Desyaterik Y., Dames E., Zhu Z., Cain J. P., Hopkins R. J, Gilles M. , Wang H., Jungwirth P., Laskin A.:
Internal Structure, Hygroscopic and Reactive Properties of Mixed Sodium Methanesulfonate - Sodium Chloride Particles.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13: 11846 (2011).

Cernusak I., Federic J., Jungwirth P., Uhlar M.:
Effects of Micro-Hydration in Proton Transfer from H2S.NO+ Complex to Water: Ab Initio and Molecular Dynamics Study.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communication 76: 585 (2011).

Miller A. E., Petersen P. B., Hollars C. W., Saykally R. J., Heyda J., Jungwirth P.:
Behavior of Beta Amyloid 1-16 at the Air-Water Interface at Varying pH by Nonlinear Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115: 573 (2011).

Dempsey C. E., Mason P. E., Jungwirth P.:
Complex Ion Effects on Polypeptide Conformational Stability: Chloride and Sulfate Salts of Guanidinium and Tetrapropylammonium.
Journal of the American Chemical Society (Communication) 133: 7300 (2011).

Takahashi H., Maruyama K., Karino Y., Morita A., Nakano M., Jungwirth P., Matubayasi N.:
Energetic Origin of Proton Affinity to the Air/Water Interface.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115: 4745 (2011).

Ottosson N., Cwiklik L., Soderstrom J., Bjorneholm O., Ohrwall G., Jungwirth P.:
Increased Propensity of I-aq for the Water Surface in Non-Neutral Solutions: Implications for the Interfacial Behavior of H3O+aq and OH-aq.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2: 972 (2011).

Petrov M., Cwiklik L., Jungwirth P.:
Interactions of molecular ions with model phospholipid membranes.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communication 76: 695 (2011).

Paterova J., Heyda J., Jungwirth P., Shaffer C. J., Revesz A., Zins E. L., Schroeder D.:
Microhydration of the Magnesium(II) Acetate Cation in the Gas Phase.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115: 6813 (2011).

Jungwirth P.:
Salt, Water Proteins, and Franz Hofmeister (in Czech).
Vesmír 90: 227 (2011).

Pluharova E., Jungwirth P., Bradforth S. E., Slavicek P.:
Ionization of Purine Tautomers in Nucleobases, Nucleosides, and Nucleotides: From the Gas Phase to the Aqueous Environment.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115: 294 (2011).

Jagoda-Cwiklik B., Cwiklik L., Jungwirth P.:
Behavior of the Eigen form of hydronium at the air/water interface.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115: 5881 (2011).