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EUSJA General Assembly

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& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

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Cover Akademic bulletin  10/2006

Academic bulletin 10/2006

Prague – the Centre of the World Astronomy
In August 2006, Prague hosted the 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, which is the premier association for the world’s astronomers. Astronomy and astrophysics had gone through vast changes since 1967 when Prague was the site of the IAU General Assembly for the first time. The most watched points of the programme were the planet definition process and tiny star discoveries.

250th Mozart’s anniversary

On 27th January 2006, Prague celebrated the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth. It is a surprising fact that after more than two centuries archives still release previously unknown documents related to Mozart. At the musicological conference Bohemical Aspects of Mozart’s Life and Work, that will occur the end of the October 2006, participants will discuss the latest findings connected with the times Mozart was in Prague.

Electric Discharge in Liquids
A working group in the Pulse Plasma Department of the Institute of Plasma Physics has intensively studied electrical discharge in water for several decades. The aim of their studies is to find a physical description of the discharge, its physical as well as chemical impact and discharge generation. The Czech scientists also developed a unique worldwide electrode with ceramic surface.

Open Science Project

A new project that is completing its first year should attract the interest of high school students in the natural sciences and technical branches. The other target group are high school teachers. The project is co-financed by the EU, the Czech government and the City of Prague. Institutes of the Academy offer residencies and Academy is organizing a two-day student conference, but many other events are a part of this undertaking as well.

An overview of priorities of the EU 7th Framework Programme that affect human health is contained in an official EU text. It is the first time the FP presents health as one of its priorities, but some projects could be supported in related items. The text also describes EU discussion about the usage of embryonic cells.