Kamínek, Miroslav; Šolcová, Blanka; Trčková, M.; Motyka, Václav; Daskalova, S.; Elliott, M. C.
In Phytohormones in Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Klíčová slova:
Cytokinin; Plant growth; Cereals
Cytokinins in co-operation with auxin control many physiological and morphogenic processes in cereals, which are closely related to plant productivity. The effects of cytokinins on initiation of fertile tillers, enhancement of generative sink strength, chloroplast development, delay of leaf senescence, plant tolerance to different stresses, nitrate uptake and their role in signaling of nitrate availability are reviewed. The effects of highly active cytokinin N6-(3-hydroxybenzyl)adenosine on grain formation in wheat grown under different nitrate supply are also described and discussed.
Autoři z ÚEB: Miroslav Kamínek,
Václav Motyka