60 years of laser 60 years of laser 60 years of laser


The ELI Beamlines research center aims to runs the world's most intense laser system. With ultra-high peak powers of 10 PW (petawatt) and focused intensities up to 1024 W/cm2 we offer unique sources of radiation and particle beams to our users. These beamlines are enable groundbreaking research not only in the fields of physics and material science, but also in biomedical research and laboratory astrophysics.

ELI Beamlines is a part of the ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) project, a new pan-European research infrastructure, and part of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) plan.

The ELI project research infrastructure includes several workplaces and additional facilities located in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. It will gradually explore the interaction of light with matter at the highest intensities and shortest time spans.

ELI lasers will reach well beyond  the state of the art in high-power laser technology in terms of intensity and repetition rates. This will enable new approaches and results in science and novel societal applications .


ELI Beamlines Laser Center is a unique top-class device built for Czech and international scientific research – for users who carry out basic and applied research experiments using four ultra-intensive laser systems (L1-L4), which are gradually put into full operation.


ELI Beamlines is designed as a high-energy and high-repetitive pillar of the European ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) project. The main objective of the project is, in accordance with the ELI White Paper [1], to create a high-energy beam device that can develop and utilize ultra-short pulses of high energy particles and radiation stemming from relativistic and ultrarelativistic interactions. The ELI Beamlines Center strives to address one of the “major challenges”, namely generating ultrashort pulses of energy particle beams (& gt; 10 GeV) and radiation (up to several MeV) generated by compact laser plasma accelerators. They are expected to support the ultra-high science science, ie to achieve an ultra-relativistic regime.


The laser sources available in the ELI Beamlines are described in detail in the Technical Design Review [3]. Laser systems are designed to address specific scientific issues identified by an international consortium within the ELI preparation phase [2, 3], in terms of laser particle acceleration, XUV generation, and high brightness X-ray pulses and high field physics. The ultrashort pulse sources generating energy particles and radiation are designed to serve basic research and have broad interdisciplinary applications.


Given the goals of ELI Beamlines, laser systems have the following main features:

  1. High repetitive laser pulses provide basic and applied research projects with multiple peak power from 10 TW (terawatt) to PW and offer users versatile use.
  2. Peak Power 10 PW (petawatt) provides basic scientific research projects with a focused intensity of up to 1024 W / cm2 at an increased dose rate


The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project is a part of a European plan to build a new generation of large research facilities selected by the European Strategic Research Infrastructure Forum (ESFRI). The goal of ELI Beamlines is to operate an international research laser facility for revolutionary scientific experiments and applications in a variety of fields. ELI adapts its scientific, engineering and medical goals to industry and society.


ELI Beamlines is part of the ELI pan-European project – the world’s largest laser device. It is open to international and interdisciplinary communities of academic and industrial users. The ELI project is covered by an international scientific laser company and runs in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania, and pushes the international development of laser technologies and their applications to new borders and fulfills an important task in the field of regional socio-economic development.


The main objective of the ELI Beamlines Center is to become a truly multidisciplinary, user-oriented infrastructure for carrying out revolutionary scientific experiments and applications in various fields, including physics and astrophysics, chemistry, biology, material science, medicine, etc., by combining advanced synchronized short laser pulses with ultra-high intensity and auxiliary particle sources or X-ray.


The ELI Beamlines Center provides research capabilities with a wide range of ultra high-intensity lasers excited by high-end lasers. These secondary sources, especially those based on completely new concepts, produce pulses of radiation of the highest intensity and quality of the beam, including electromagnetic radiation in a wide range and charged particles such as electrons, protons and ions. Therefore, a wide range of new applications can be expected.

Benefit for society

As a European research infrastructure, ELI Beamlines is strengthening Europe’s position in world laser research and creating new opportunities for European industry.

Applied research at the ELI Beamlines facility covers areas ranging from improving cancer treatment, medical imaging, fast electronics and aging of nuclear reactor materials to the development of new nuclear waste treatment methods.


ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) is part of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) plan. The location of facilities in Central and Eastern Europe enables the scientific and technological potential of the new EU Member States to participate in research, accelerating the process of European integration and leading to a tremendous improvement in their research infrastructures.

The mission of the ESFRI Forum, which was founded in 2002, is to keep Europe at the forefront of rapidly developing science and technology and to increase the capacity needed to meet the needs of the EU and the global scientific community. The ESFRI Forum aims to promote a coherent and strategically driven approach to the design of European research infrastructures and to facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to better use and development of research infrastructures – both within the EU and internationally.


ELI was decided to strengthen Europe’s leadership in high-intensity laser research. It will also provide new opportunities for the European photonic industry. Research conducted at the ELI Beamlines Center shifts a number of scientific fields far beyond laser science. New techniques for imaging medical images, medical diagnostics, radiotherapy, new material development and testing tools, and the latest X-ray optics are just a few of the research and application programs.

This research brings new benefits to the company – from improving cancer treatment, medical and biomedical imaging technology, fast electronics, and our understanding of nuclear reactor aging to the development of new nuclear waste treatment methods.

The ELI Beamlines Center is an attractive platform for educating a new generation of scientists, engineers and PhD students. The Czech Republic is the host country of cutting-edge international research and it can attract further investment in high-tech, high-value technologies.