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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

Abicko  > 2008  > Nov




In the history of Czechoslovakia, “normalization” is the name given to the period from the 1969 to the 80’s. It was characterized by initial restoration of the conditions prevailing before the reform period which was led by Alexander Dubček (1968–1969) and subsequent preservation of this new status quo. Normalization is sometimes used in a narrower sense to refer only to the period between 1969 and 1971. When Gustav Husák became the leader of the KSČ in place of Alexander Dubček in April 1969 after the military intervention of Warsaw Pact armies, his regime acted quickly to “normalize” the country’s political situation.

Summer School of Conservation Genetics

The purpose of this Summer School, which took place in Liblice 1 to 7 September 2008, was to introduce the students and post-docs to updated procedures used in the analyses of molecular data-sets applied to problem-solving in conservation genetics. This was done by bringing together geneticists statisticians and empirical conservation geneticists who presented theoretical lectures and led practical computer work.

Innovation Biomedical Centre Inaugurated

Innovation Biomedical Centre (IBC) is a multipurpose and newly constructed facility located near to the Institute of Experimental Medicine (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) in Prague-Krč. It was erected between August 2007 and March 2008 at a total cost of 2,1 Mil EURO. IBC was inaugurated by Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek on October 7 2008.

Oral History: a Dialogue with our Times

The International Oral History Association in collaboration with the University of Guadalajara and the Mexican Oral History Association sponsored a conference 23 to 27 September 2008 on the topic Oral History – a Dialogue with our Times. The academic program has accepted more than 650 submissions from oral history specialist from five continents. Among the topics are those that reflect upon the memories of violence and war, memory and politics, gender and so on.

Conference on Women in Physics in Korea
The mission of the conference held from 7 to 10 Octo-ber 2008 was two-fold. The first was to focus on these women from all over the world who discussed their own experiences, both good and bad. The participantes promoted their own individual research, as well as established contact with international colleagues in an effort to have greater access to funding for continuing their research. The second aspect of the conference directly addressed a problem of the low numbers of women entering the field of physics. Delegates discussed efforts to promote women in physics in their own country as well as promoting women in physics on the international scale.