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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

Milada Paulová Award 2012

Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Professor Petr Fiala presented the Milada Paulová Award in the historical sciences to Professor Zdeňka Hledíková, professor emeritus at Charles University in Prague. The festive ceremony took place October 16 in Liechtenstein Palace in Prague. Professor Hledíková is a prominent and internationally recognised Czech historian and university teacher. Her research con­centrates on church history and the history of the Medieval Age in general. She was allowed to get her habilitation only after 1989, and in 1996 she became a professor. At this time she was Director of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome.
The Award is named after the first Czech woman to lecture at a university (1925) and to receive a professorship (1939), the late historian and byzan­tologist Milada Paulová.