
The official magazine of the ASCR


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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

Astronomical X-Ray Optics

The International Workshop on Astronomical X-Ray Optics took place in Prague during the second week of December 2010. Its goal was to present and discuss recent and forthcoming technologies for future X-ray astronomy missions, with an emphasis on IXO of ESA/NASA/JAXA. These missions require development mostly of innovative technologies, and invited speakers discussed the possibilities, results obtained so far, and new ideas in detail. It is obvious that the requirements of future large space X-ray astronomy missions are so demanding that they need a truly interdisciplinary approach through wide international collaboration. The technologies will include X-ray optics based on Si wafers, advanced glass forming for precise X-ray optics, but also other possible technologies, as well as related advanced metrology, measurements and tests.