Kalvados - software for crystal structure and powder diffraction - Download page

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The programs are free to use and distribute.
Complete Installation: Executable files for updates:

KET - software for Bruker powder diffractometer

  • KET (Communication between Bruker D8 and Eurotherm 2200-2400)

Other files

  • pom (Cooperating programs)


  1. Execute self-extracting installation file KalvadosInstall.exe, and then perform the requested steps in Kalvados Setup.
    OR unzip Kalvados.zip to a chosen directory (e.g. c:\Program Files), and then in the %KALVADOS% directory (e.g. c:\Program Files\Kalvados) execute SetupKalvados.exe to finish setup.
  2. In order to set path to %KALVADOS%\exe directory, add the content of the created file AddToAutoexec.txt to c:\autoexec.bat and restart computer.

File Versions:
===== Versions Structure,Diffracton =====================  
  sVersion='KDist V3.86 ';     sVersionDate='09.01.2013';
  sVersion='KCryst V2.65a ';   sVersionDate='27.11.2012';
  sVersion='KDif V2.42 ';      sVersionDate='09.04.2013';
  sVersion='KFLot V3.00 ';     sVersionDate='10.01.2013';
  sVersion='KedRaw V1.51';     sVersionDate='05.01.2007';
  sVersion='KPDF V2.25';       sVersionDate='20.12.2012';
  sVersion='KPcr V1.34';       sVersionDate='24.08.2011';
===== Versions Wien2k ===================================  
  sVersion='KonvBand V1.31';   SVersionDate='16.11.2010';
  sVersion='KonvDOS V1.50';    SVersionDate='10.11.2010';
===== Versions Other ====================================  
  sVersion='KSend V1.70';      sVersionDate='07.10.2010';
  sVersion='KView 1.33 ';      SVersionDate='27.02.2009';
  sVersion='KList V1.40';      sVersionDate='06.09.2012';
  sVersion='KGraf 1.85 ';      sVersionDate='04.09.2012';
===== Versions KET ======================================    
  sVersion='KETcom V2.56f';    sVersionDate='26.11.2010';
  sVersion='KETutf V3.60utd';  sVersionDate='07.10.2010';
  sVersion='KETset V1.10 ';    sVersionDate='07.10.2010';
  sVersion='KETraw V1.0  ';    sVersionDate='09.09.2005';

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