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New paper on reliability of inference of directed climate networks using conditional mutual information by Hlinka, Hartman, Vejmelka, Paluš jointly with Prof. Kurths group

J. Hlinka, D. Hartman, M. Vejmelka, J. Runge, N. Marwan, J. Kurths and M. Paluš: Reliability of inference of directed climate networks using conditional mutual information. Entropy 15(6), 2023-2045, 2013.

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New results in nonlinear dependence and teleconnections in climate data by Hlinka, Hartman, Vejmelka, Paluš et al.

J. Hlinka, D. Hartman, M. Vejmelka, D. Novotná and M. Paluš: Non-linear dependence and teleconnections in climate data: source. Climate Dynamics. In press.

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New Chaos article on partitioning networks by Vejmelka and Paluš is selected as research highlight.

Partitioning networks into clusters and residuals with average association

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New NeuroImage article on electrophysiological correlates of fMRI functional connectivity by Hlinka et al.

Slow EEG pattern predicts reduced intrinsic functional connectivity in the default mode network: An inter-subject analysis

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Article on phase synchronization analysis published, available for download.

The article "Phase synchronization analysis by assessment of the phase difference gradient" is published online in the journal Chaos 19, 2009.

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New Chaos preprint.

Added preprint 'Detecting nonlinear oscillations in broadband signals' to appear in Chaos.

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FP7 BrainSynch project page.

Added introductory page about the FP7 BrainSynch project. More to come.

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Added preprints.

Some more preprints have been added to the publication list of M. Vejmelka.

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Site upgraded.

The site was upgraded to Plone 3.2

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« June 2013 »