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After the Accession … The Socio-Economic Cultures of Eastern Europe in the Enlarged Union: An Asset or a Liability?

Koordinátor české části výzkumu
Bundesministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Wien
Doba řešení projektu:
2001 - 2003

The project aims at making a prognosis about the post-accession cohabitation of "Western" and "Eastern" cultures in the European Union with a special emphasis on the differences between the now "included" and the still "excluded" countries of the former Eastern Bloc. Prediction will be based on current cultural encounters between the two halves of Europe in the economy. Instead of relying on a simplistic scheme, in which the "strong Western" culture devours the "weak Eastern" one, the ACCESS project expects to find a great variety of lasting cultural hybrids in economic and social behaviour. Thus, in an unprecedented way, Eastern Enlargement is studied in conjunction with its neglected counterpart, Western Enlargement.

Zadavatel: Bundesministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Wien

Řešitel: János Matyas Kovács, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Wien
koordinátor české části: Jiří Večerník

verze pro tisk seznam všech projektů
  • doc. Ing. Jiří Večerník, CSc.
  • Ekonomická sociologie
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