Detail akce

H2020 - Diskuze k tématu Cloud computing pro pracovní program ICT 2013-2014

Typ akce: workshop

Datum: 17.4.2013 09:0017:30
Kde: Brusel, Belgie

Začíná příprava pracovního programu ICT pro první období HORIZON 2020 (H2020).  

Velký vliv na témata výzkumu (alespoň v počátečním období) budou mít výsledky odborných veřejných konzultací, které probíhaly
on-line od podzimu loňského roku.

Pro oblast Cloud Computing, Software and Services se k diskuzi o navržených tématech setkají s EK zájemci z akademického, průmyslového i veřejného sektoru.

Informace k setkání a povinná registrace: 

Základní text pro diskuzi: 

Evropská strategie pro Cloud Computing: 


DG Connect (Unit E2) launched a web-based Public Consultation with a view to defining future research priorities in Cloud Computing, Software and Services, ahead of the H2020 ICT Work Programme 2014-15. All interested stakeholders (industry, research centres, academia, SMEs and users) were invited to contribute.

What happens next?

A post-consultation Workshop will be held in Brussels on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 in order to discuss and validate the views expressed by different actors during the consultation.

One of the goals of this Workshop is to bring together existing and new stakeholders, in particular from innovative technological SMEs and from the public sector with the aim of better focusing the Work Programme so as to maximise its impact on competitiveness and growth.  

The first H2020 Call for Proposals is expected to be published by the end of 2013. Hence, new projects are likely to be launched before the end of 2014 and, typically, will run for 2 or 3 years. Therefore, the Programme is expected to focus on infrastructures, services, technologies and innovation ripe for commercial deployment by the end of the decade.

Workshop Venue

Avenue de Beaulieu 25, 1160, Brussels, Belgium. 


  • Date: 17 April 2013
  • Time: 9:00 - 17:30

* A detailed agenda will be uploaded soon.

Who can attend the workshop?

The workshop is open to the public. However, places are limited due to the venue capacity. No registration fees will be charged, but advance registration is mandatory.


Národní kontaktní pracovník (NCP) pro oblast ICT: Ing. Eva Hillerová, e-mail: