Romana Mikšová


1.11. 1982, Rakovník, Czech Republic

Education and specialization:



Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Science,

J.E. Purkinje University in Usti nad Labem

Program - Master study

Specialization – Tutorship of Physics and Mathematics


2011- present:

Faculty of Science,

J.E. Purkinje University in Usti nad Labem

Program - Doctoral study

Specialization – Computer methods in physics and technology



Work experinces:

2008- present:

Institut of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Prague (analysis with RBS,

ERDA methods)


Language skills:

English - intermediate


  1. P. Souček – T. Schmidtová – L. Zábranský – V. Buršíková – P. Vašina, O. Caha, M. Jílek - Abdelaziz El Mel, Pierre -Yves Tessier - J. Schäfer – J. Buršík - V. Peřina – R. Mikšová: Evaluation of composition, mechanical properties and structure of nc-TiC/a-C:H coatings prepared by balanced magnetron sputtering, Surface & Coatings Technology, Elsevier Science, 2011.
  2.  R. Mikšová - A. Macková - V. Hnatowicz: The energy loss of Li and C ions with MeV energies in the polycarbonate and polypropylene, Conference Proceedings , 2011.
  3.  V. Buršíková - V.Peřina - V. Havránek - R. Mikšová - P. Sťahel - T. Sardelka: Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy Study on Diamond-like Carbon Films Modified by Silicon, Oxygen or Nitrogen, 18th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes, Workshop on Plasmas as a Planetary Atmosphere Mimics, Vrátna, Malá Fatra, Slovakia, January 15 - 20, 2011.
  4.  R. Mikšová, A. Macková, V. Hnatowicz and V. Peřina: Energy Loss of Lin+ and Cn+ Ions with MeV Energies in Polycarbonate and Polypropylene, 11th International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, June 11-18, 2011.
  5.  Vašina, Petr - Souček, Pavel - Schmidtová, Tereza - Zábranský, Lukáš - Buršíková, Vilma - Jílek, Mojmír - El Mel, Abdelazziz - Tessier, Pierre-Yves - Schäfer, Jan - Buršík, Jiří - Caha, Ondřej - Peřina, Vratislav - Mikšová, Romana: Deposition and analyses of thick hard adherent nanocomposite titanium/carbon based coatings. In CIP 2011.
  6.  Muresan, Mihai George - Zajíčková, Lenka - Pekař, Václav - Buršíková, Vilma - Ondračka, Pavel - Campbellová, Anna - Peřina, Vratislav - Mikšová, Romana: Optimized Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition from HMDSO/O2 for Surface Protection of Metals. In 3rd International Conference Nanocon, Brno. 2011.
  7.  Muresan, Mihai George - Zajíčková, Lenka - Buršíková, Vilma - Franta, Daniel - Nečas, David - Peřina, Vratislav - Mikšová, Romana: Influence of plasma desposition parameters on incorporation of hydrofon or nitrogen into DLC. In 12th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 2011.
  8.  Vašina, Petr - Souček, Pavel - Schmidtová, Tereza - Zábranský, Lukáš - Buršíková, Vilma - Buršík, Jiří - Caha, Ondřej - Peřina, Vratislav - Mikšová, Romana: Properties of nanocomposite coatings prepared by hybrid process of metallic target sputtering in argon and acetylene. In 30th ICPIG Conference Proceedings. Belfast, UK : Queen's University Belfast, 2011.
  9.  Peřina, V. - Mikšová, R. - Vlček, J.: Ion beam techniques used for light elements composition estimation of complex multielemental layers prepared by magnetron sputtering, In 30th ICPIG Conference Proceedings. Belfast, UK : Queen's University Belfast, 2011.
  10.  V. Peřina, P. Malinský and R. Mikšová: ERDA and RBS Measurements of Ordered Fiber Structure using Macro Beam, sborník abstrakt, P16. Workshop Ion Beam Physics, Dresden - Rossendorf, 29th – 31st March 2010.
  11.  Trunec, D. - Zajíčková, L. - Buršíková, V. - Peřina, V. - Studnička, F. - Sťahel, P. - Prysiazhnyi, V. - Mikšová, R.: Characterization of organosilicon thin films prepared in atmospheric pressure Towsend-like discharge, 19th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (19th IBA) University of Cambridge, UK, 7-11 September, 2009, Mo 062, book of abstracts p. 143