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31 Oct 09 - 6 Dec 14
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Ing. Petr Gronát, MSc.

Telefon +420 266 053 943 E-mail gronat@it.cas.cz Místnost M4110 Oddělení Oddělení D 1 – Dynamika tekutin Odborné zaměření Particle Image Velocimetry, Computer 3D Vision, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition Osobní stránka
2010-present Working for my PhD. in Cybernetics, Center for Machine Perception - Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic.
Home: http://cyber.felk.cvut.cz

2010 MSc. (Ing.) in Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering , Department of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Master degree project: Stereovision Technique for Precicion Measurement. GPA: 3.94
Home: http://www.fs.cvut.cz

2009 MSc. in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Hua University, Taiwan R.O.C., Master degree project: Plate Delflection on an Elastic Foundation and Design of 3D Computer  Vision Software. GPA: 3.98
Home: http://www.chu.edu.tw
2005-2006 2005 – 2006 Siberian State Aerospace University, Exchange student, Department of Physics, Russia, Home: http://www.sibsau.ru

Work Experience
2009-present Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
PIV correlation methods, machine learning, flow prediction, stereoscopic laser tomography, boundary layer active control, correlation algorithms design, distributed computing, CESNET. Home: http://www.it.cas.cz
2010-present Center for Machine Preception, Czech Technical University. Machine learning, pattern recognition, computer 3D vision, scene reconstruction - Supervised by Pajdla T.,
Home: http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz

2008-2009 Composite Structural Mechanics Lab., Cung Hua University, Taiwan R.O.C. Large deflection of composite circular plates, plate bending on an elastic foundation, computer vision metrology systems design.

2010 Theoretical Basics of Computer Vision, Graphics and Interaction, Czech Technical Universityin Prague - Departmet of Cybernetics. (labs, 4 hours per week)
Home: http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/cmp/courses/TZ

English technical terminology, fluent spoken and written
Russian technical terminology, fluent spoken, intermediate written
Chinese intermediate spoken, basic written
German basic spoken, basic written
Vyhledat publikace autora v databázi AVČR (ASEP)
Vybrané publikace
2010 "High-quality vector field and direct Jacobian estimation, Gronat, P., XXIV. Anemometry Symposium, June 2010.
  "High-quality vector field and direct vorticity estimation using the affine correlation method". Gronat, P., Engineering Mechanics 2010, May 2010.
  "Affine Correlation Method for Direct Voricity, Skew and Displacement Estimation". Gronat, P., Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics, February 2010, Prague, Czech Rep.
2009 "Flexural rigidity and persistence length of neuronal processes as a novel characteristic for describing neuropathological phenotypes" . Tarasov, A.S., Wang, C.N., Shen, C.P., Chang, J.M., Gronat,P., Lizana,P.C.A.,
Wagner, O.I., International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems and Soft-matter Biophysics, Academica Sinica, Taipei, January 2009, Taiwan, R.O.C
2008 "Influence of Geometrical Properties and Stiffness of Foundation on Stress Behavior of Supported Plate and its Application in MEMS Sensor Parts". Gronat, P., Chen, C.F., Materials Symposia, December 2008,Taichung, Taiwan,


Theoretica Basics of Computer Vision, Graphics and Interaction,  A4M33TZ (labs, 4 hours per week),  Deparment of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technocal University in Prague

Course description:
brief review of linear algebra, pinhole camera model, camera matrix, P3P problem, introductory to affine spaces, affine plane and projective plane, homogenous representation of point and line, RANSAC, camera calibration from rectangle image and rotation, synthetic projective and affine geometry, transformation of projective spaces, randomized algorithms.

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