Name: Self-writen channel waveguides
Sponsor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Principal investigator: Prof. Jiří Čtyroký, DSc.
Member: Radan Slavík, Ph.D., DSc.
From: 2004-07-01
To: 2007-06-30

The subject of the proposed project is theoretical and experimental study of two and three dimensional self-written waveguides. As the photosensitive medium will serve Germanium-doped silica glasses. For two-dimensional structures will be prepared planar waveguides on the surface of the glass by ion-exchange. The self-writing will be realized using two-photon absorption from an Argon-ion laser. Special effort will be dedicated to find conditions under which the channel waveguides are single-moded. We will also study influence of polarization of the Argon laser on birefringence of the self-written waveguides.