Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute

Česká médiaPress Room

Most of CERGE-EI's media presence is currently in the Czech language; CERGE-EI also appears in the local English-language media and in the international media. Additionally, our students, researchers and faculty occasionally feature in the media of one of the two dozen countries of their origin. 

To solicit comments from our experts, inquire about CERGE-EI, or use our beautiful 19th century building for filming purposes, please contact the PR manager.

Featured News and Releases

  • 17 May 2013

    At the end of April 2013, we had the honor to welcome Prof. Eric Maskin (Harvard University) to CERGE-EI in Prague. On April 29, Prof. Maskin gave a public lecture titled “How to Make the Right Decisions without Knowing People's Preferences: An Introduction to Mechanism Design”.

  • 14 Mar 2013

    CERGE-EI is delighted to announce the names of five distinguished academics who have recently joined the Executive and Supervisory Committee (ESC) of CERGE-EI: Christopher Sims (Princeton University), J. Peter Neary (Oxford University), George J. Mailath (University of Pennsylvania), Kevin Miles Murphy (University of Chicago), Larry Samuelson (Yale University).

  • 4 Mar 2013

    The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Economics, Finance and Management category goes in this fifth edition to U.S. mathematician Paul Milgrom “for his seminal contributions to an unusually wide range of fields of economics including auctions, market design, contracts and incentives, industrial economics, economics of organizations, finance, and game theory,” in the words of the prize jury.