The analysis of housing policy tools aiming to support the labour flexibility in the Czech Republic

Issued by:
Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
Time of researching the project:
2005 - 2006

The main goal of the project was to analyze the significance of the relation between housing tenure, existing and potential housing policy tools including rent regulation, on one side, and labour mobility, on the second side, in the Czech Republic. The weight of the direct influence was estimated by comparison with the perceived significance of other barriers to labour mobility, such as specific cultural and social norms. Both quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (focus groups) sociological methods were applied to achieve the stated goal. The results of complete analysis of surveys´ data were used to propose such housing policy options (tools) that would efficiently support higher labour mobility in the Czech environment.

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  • Ing. Mgr. Martin Lux, Ph.D.
  • Socioeconomics of Housing
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  • 222 221 655