
Ing. Bohumil Lysý

» Economic-Administration Department

Bohumil Lysy graduated from University of Transport, Department of Economy and Operation of Road Transportation. He has been working in the sphere of economy and financing since 1992. For improvement of his qualification he regularly attended classes for economists arranged by University of Economics and other educational organizations, for example Inventa, KPMG, VOEST-ALPINE Industrial Services. He worked as an executive of the Financial and Controlling department. From 2002 to 2004 he cooperated with an external auditor company and also dealt with financial consultancy. Mr. Lysy has been employed in the Technology Centre AS CR since March 2005. Since 1.7.2007 he is the head of the Economic – Administration Department. His competencies include accounting, particularly management accounting, cooperation on improving the administrative and organizational level of the Technology Centre AS CR. He is involved in analytical activities of the Enterprise Europe Network.





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