Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the factual content in their contributions. All contributions will undergo a peer review process, the result of which express the editors’ opinion. The editors regret that no remuneration can be made for submissions.

Texts are accepted in the English, French, German, Polish and Slovak languages. Each article must include an English abstract of 7-12 lines, 5-7 keywords, a summary for translation into Czech. Authors are requested to adhere to the standard citation in AR (see AR 50 1998, 336-338); should references include abbreviations, then for the sake of clarity a list of these must be appended to the bibliography.

Illustrations, accompanied by captions in the text section, should be of high quality and must be numbered. The valid format for illustrative insets is 126 x 195 mm. Authors are asked to ensure the lettering on illustrations is at least 2 mm high after reduction. Illustrations are accepted also in .TIFF, .EPS, .AI, .PSD, .JPG, min. 500 DPI. The editors regret that they cannot accept illustrations in .DOC format. Maps, plans and drawings must include a scale.

The unsolicited manuscripts will be not returned. Authors who do not wish their work to be made available post-publication on the AR Internet pages are required to advise the editors this.

The editors are grateful to authors for adhering to these instructions, as this will allow submissions to appear in AR with the minimum of delay.

Map of the Czech Republic (bmp picture in ZIP formate, 770 kB)