Elity a veřejnost – vztah k Evropské unii

Vloženo dne:
V pátek 17. února ve 13.00 bude zahájena ve vile Akademie věd ČR Lanna (V sadech 1, Praha 6) dvoudenní mezinárodní sociologická konference na téma „Elity a rozšiřování Evropské unie“.

Konferenci pořádá Sociologický ústav AV ČR za podpory British Academy a Friedrich Ebert Stiftung v Praze. K účasti se přihlásilo 35 sociologů ze 14 evropských zemí a
Austrálie. Na zahajovacím zasedání promluví o vztahu českých elit a veřejnosti k Evropské unii exministr zahraničí J. Dienstbier a poslanec
Evropského parlamentu Hynek Fajmon.

Za organizátory konference:
Milan Tuček, Lumír Gatnar



Conference Program


Thursday and Friday 16 - 17 February



Friday 17 February 12:00 - 12:45



Friday 17 February 13:00



Friday 17 February 13:15 - 14:30

Session 1 - Part 1: “Leadership View”. Chairs: David Lane, Pavel Machonin

EU Integration and National Interests. Views of the Political and Economic Elites.

Jiří Dienstbier, Hynek Fajmon


Friday 17 February 14:30 - 15:00

Coffee Break


Friday 17 February 15:00 - 16:00

Session 1 - Part 2: “Sociologists' View”. Chairs: David Lane, Max Haller

EU Integration and National Interests. Views of the Political and Economic Elites.

Cristina Blanco Sio-Lopez, IT: EU Integration and National Interests: Motivations, effects and reactions to the support of German political elites to Eastward Enlargement in the definition of a European Identity: 1990-2004

Carol Strong, AU: Vacláv Klaus, Lech Kaczynski, and the Future of the European Union

Wlodzimierz Wesolowski, PL: Entering and Staying in European Union.Views of Divided Elites in Poland

***CP: Pavel Machonin, Milan Tuček, Petr Hartoš and Martin Nekola, CZ: Czech Economic and Political Elite after 15 Years of Postsocialist Transformation


Friday 17 February 16:00 - 18:00

Session 2. Chairs: Olga Kutsenko, Milan Tuček

Public Opinion and Attitudes after Two Years Experience within the EU.

Filip Franek, CZ: East-Central European Repercussions of the French and Dutch ‘NO’: The case of the Czech Republic & Estonia

Vladas Gaidys, LT: Attitudes towards Lithuania’s membership in the European Union: 1999-2005

Simona Guerra, UK: Public opinion before and after accession: the case of Poland

Nadia Nisi, IT, YU: Who is afraid of the enlargement? Public opinion facing the labour market.

Natalia Timus, HU: The Role of Public Opinion in EU Policy-Making. The Case of EU Enlargement

Pavol Frič, CZ: How to Catch-up the West?: The Confrontation of the Public and Elites Opinions.


Friday 17 February 18:00 - 18:15

Coffee Break


Friday 17 February 18:15 - 19:45

Session 3. Chairs: Heinrich Best, Lumír Gatnar

Homogenisation of Lifestyles and Business Cultures in the Old and New EU Countries. The Impact of EU Enlargement and Globalisation on Elites.

Helmut P. Gaisbauer, AT: Constructing Poland in or against Europe? The Polish 2004 election campaigns to European parliament.

Jiří Melich, TR, CZ: The Quality of the Political Elites and the Problem of Identifying a ‘True National Interest’: The Case of the Czech Republic.

Gyorgy Lengyel, HU: Symbolic and pragmatic aspects of European identity

Jochen Tholen, DE: "Farewell to the Intelligentsia".

***CP: Ivo Bayer, Holger Bonus, CZ, DE: European Identityaund Symbolic Politics


Friday 17 February 20:00

Social Dinner


Saturday 18 February 9:00 - 11:15

Session 4. Chairs: Gyorgy Lengyel, Wlodzimierz Wesolowski

What Type of Enlargement: towards Convergence or Diversity? Strategies of further EU Structuring and their Influences on the New Member States.

Martin Dangerfield, UK: Central European Subregional Cooperation and EU Membership: A Channel for the Assertion of Elite Preferences?

Imre Kovach, Eva Kučerová, HU, CZ, Elite and the European development project. The rise of project class and elite restructuring in Hungary and in the Czech Republic

Martin Myant, UK: Is a ‘social-democratic’ approach possible in the enlarged EU? The economic policies of the Czech Social Democrats in government

Max Haller, AT: One or many European Unions? Differing functions and images of integration in West and East, North and South. A sociological typology


Saturday 18 February 11:15 - 11:30

Coffee Break


Saturday 18 February 11:30 - 13:30

Session 5. Chairs: Jochen Tholen, David Lane

The Accession Process and the Limits of further EU Enlargement. The Role of Popular Opposition and Support.

Sabine Stadler, AT: The EU-enlargement and the discourse on social inequality in the new EU - member-states

Yordanka Chobanova, IT: Multinational investors in the CEECs: Shaping the microeconomic architecture of states in the context of EU integration

Iurie Gotisan, MD: Republic of Moldova on the European pathway

Marko Stojic, YU: Between Europhobia and Europhilia – Party and Popular Attitudes towards the EU in Serbia and Croatia

Olga Kutsenko, UA: Ukraine as a frontier-land: popular oppositiion and support of advance to EU (title)

***CP: Evgeni Evgeniev, HU: ”Before and after Eastward Enlargement and its impact on the European textile and clothing industry and trade”.



Saturday 18 February 13:30




Reminder remarks:

Friday 17 February   9:30: Business meeting of the elite network CEOs (DL, JT, GL)

Friday 17 February 11:00: Business meeting of the conference organizers


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