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CERN COURIER, Sept 27, 2012.

Jan Hladký, an experimental...

www.fjfi.cz, 7.8.2011.

The Seventh International Conference...

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

Recent aquisitions 2003 - Slovanka

A 1
ELDERS, Leo: Filosofie přírody u sv. Tomáše Akvinského / translated by Andrea Cejnarová.
Praha : OIKOYMENH, 2003. - 479 s.
(OIKÚMENÉ : Sv. 96)
39 337

Milénium vědy a filosofie : sborník příspěvků / ed. Jiří Nosek.
Praha : Filosofia, 2002. - 266 s.
39 336

VODIČKA, Karel - CABADA, Ladislav: Politický systém České republiky : historie a současnost.
Praha : Portál, 2003. - 351 s.
39 253

FIALA, Petr - PITROVÁ, Markéta: Evropská unie.
Brno : CDK, 2003. - 743 s.
39 275

A 2
POLKINGHORNE, John: Věda a teologie : úvod do problematiky = Science
and theology : an introduction / translated by Karel Šprunk.
Brno : Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2002. - 169 s.
(Současná světová teologie)
39 179

KOUBSKÁ, Libuše - PACNER, Karel - SPEVÁKOVÁ, Šárka: Příběhy české vědy.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 229 s.
39 181

The Cambridge history of science. Vol. 5. The modern physical and mathematical sciences / ed. Mary Jo Nye.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - xxix+678 s.
39 187

COVENEY, Peter - HIGHFIELD, Roger: Mezi chaosem a řádem : hranice komplexity, hledání řádu
v chaotickém světě = Frontiers of complexity / preface Baruch Blumberg, translated by František Slanina.
Praha : Mladá fronta, 2003. - 428 s.
(Kolumbus : Sv. 160)
39 194

Věda kontra iracionalita : sborník přednášek 2 / red. Jiří Heřt, Luděk Pekárek.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 202 s.
39 195

JANOUŠEK, Ivo: Věda, technika a kultura.
Praha : Národní technické muzeum, 2002. - 286 s.
(Filozofie vědy a techniky : Sv. 1)
39 199

Semináře výzkumného centra pro dějiny vědy z let 2000-2001 / red. Magdaléna Pokorná.
Praha : Arenga, 2002. - 296 s.
(Práce z dějin vědy = Studies in the history of sciences and humanities : Sv. 3)
39 209

ŠMAJS, Josef - KROB, Josef: Evoluční ontologie.
Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2003. - 399 s.
39 212

MCGRATH, Alistair E.: Dialog přírodních věd a teologie = The foundations of dialogue in science
and religion / translated by Jan Fischer, Jan Novotný.
Praha : Vyšehrad, 2003. - 286 s.
39 213

BARRASS, Robert: Scientists must write : a guide to better writing for scientists, engineers and students. - 2nd ed.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2002. - xvi+204 s.
(Routledge study guides)
39 277

WALTERS, D. Eric - WALTERS, Gale C.: Scientists must speak : bringing presentations to life.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2002. - xii+132 s.
(Routledge study guides)
39 278

PALMER, Richard: Write in style : a guide to good English. - 2nd ed.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2002. - xix+255 s.
(Routledge study guides)
39 279

Věda v Československu v období normalizace (1970-1975) : sborník z konference / ed. Markéta Devátá.
Praha : Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, 2002. - 605 s.
(Práce z dějin vědy : Sv. 4)
39 390

BARAN, Václav: Jaderná energetika a další problémy moderní civilizace.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 159 s.
39 396

A 6
Statistická ročenka České republiky 2002 = Statistical yearbook of the Czech Republic 2002.
Praha : Scientia, 2003. - 795 s.
39 214

2003 Britannica book of the year : events of 2002 / ed. Karen J. Sparks.
Chicago : Encyclopedia Britannica, 2003. - 936 s.
(Encyclopedia Britannica)
39 262

B 1
MARKOŠ, Anton: Readers of the book life : contextualizing developmental evolutionary biology.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - x+245 s.
39 258

What is life? : scientific approaches and philosophical positions / eds. Hans-Peter Dürr,
Fritz-Albert Popp,
Wolfram Schommers.
New Jersey : World Scientific, 2002. - xvi+372 s.
(Series on the foundations of natural science and technology : Vol. 4)
39 324

B 5
PETR, Jaroslav: Klonování : hrozba, nebo naděje?
Praha : Paseka, 2003. - 362 s.
(Fénix : Sv. 5)
39 207

DAVIES, Kevin: Rozluštěný genom = Cracking the genome / translated by Arnošt Kotyk.
Praha : Paseka, 2002. - 301 s.
(Fénix : Sv. 6)
39 208

B 7
MURRAY, James D.: Mathematical biology. Vol. 1. An introduction. - 3rd ed.
New York : Springer, 2002. - xxiii+551 s.
(Interdisciplinary applied mathematics : Vol. 17)
39 259

MURRAY, James D.: Mathematical biology. Vol. 2. Spatial models and biomedical
applications. - 3rd ed.
New York : Springer, 2003. - xxv+811 s.
(Interdisciplinary applied mathematics : Vol. 18)
39 260

C 1.2
Complexity in chemistry : introduction and fundamentals / eds. Danail Bonchev, Dennis H. Rouvray.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2003. - xii+210 s.
(Mathematical chemistry : Vol. 7)
39 280

JOHNSTON, Roy L.: Atomic and molecular clusters.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2002. - xviii+236 s.
(Master series in physics and astronomy)
39 281

C 1.9
Polymer handbook. Vol. 1 / eds. J. Brandrup, E.H. Immergut, E.A. Grulke.
Hoboken : WILEY-INTERSCIENCE, 1999. - xiii+18,497,61,104,169,277 s.
39 340

Polymer handbook. Vol. 2 / eds. J. Brandrup, E.H. Immergut, E.A. Grulke.
Hoboken : WILEY-INTERSCIENCE, 1999. - xiii+601,769,52,17 s.
39 341

F 1.1
WEINBERG, Steven: Facing up : science and its cultural adversaries.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2001. - xi+283 s.
39 183

LEVINOVÁ, Janna: Jak vesmír přišel ke svým skvrnám : deník o konečném čase
a prostoru = How the Universe got its spots / translated by Aleš Drobek.
Praha : Argo/Dokořán, 2003. - 286 s.
(Aliter : Sv. 10)
39 265

KEPLER, Johannes: Epitome of Copernican astronomy & harmonies of the world = Epitome astronomiae copernicanae.
Amherst : Prometheus Books, 1995. - ix+245 s.
(Great minds series)
39 293

MAXWELL, James C.: Matter and motion.
Amherst : Prometheus Books, 2002. - 163 s.
(Great minds series)
39 294

KELVIN, William Thomson - TAIT, Peter G.: The elements of natural philosophy.
Amherst : Prometheus Books, 2002. - viii+295 s.
(Great minds series)
39 295

FARADAY, Michael: The forces of matter.
Buffalo : Prometheus Books, 1993. - 88 s.
(Great minds series)
39 296

CERCIGNANI, Carlo: Ludwig Boltzmann : The man who trusted atoms / Foreword by Roger Penrose.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998. - xvi+329 s.
39 306

ŠTOLL, Ivan: Christian Doppler : Pegas pod jařmem.
Praha : Prometheus, 2003. - 48 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 10)
39 331

FEYNMAN, Richard Phillips: Radost z poznání.
Praha : Aurora, 1999. - 332 s.
39 389

PEIERLS, Rudolf: More surprises in theoretical physics.
Princenton : Princenton University Press, 1991. - vi+103 s.
39 395

F 1.2
ARISTOTELÉS: Fyzika / translated and commented by Antonín Kříž.
Praha : Rezek, 1996. - 503 s.
39 332

F 1.3
GREINER, Walter: Classical mechanics : systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics.
New York : Springer, 2003. - xx+542 s.
(Classical theoretical physics)
39 232

GREINER, Walter: Quantum mechanics : an introduction. With a foreword by D. A. Bromley. - 4th ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xxi+485 s.
(Theoretical physics : Vol. 1)
39 242

GREINER, Walter: Classical electrodynamics : foreword by D. Allan Bromley.
New York : Springer, 1998. - x+555 s.
(Classical theoretical physics)
39 243

GREINER, Walter - MÜLLER, Berndt: Quantum mechanics : symmetries. With a foreword
by D. A. Bromley. - 2nd rev. ed.
Berlin : Springer, 1994. - xviii+526 s.
39 244

GREINER, Walter - REINHARDT, Joachim: Quantum electrodynamics : with a foreword
by D. A. Bromley. - 3rd ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xvi+475 s.
39 245

GREINER, Walter - NEISE, Ludwig - STÖCKER, Horst: Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
New York : Springer, 1995. - xii+463 s.
(Classical theoretical physics)
39 246

GREINER, Walter: Relativistic quantum mechanics : wave equations. With a foreword
by D. A. Bromley. - 3rd ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xix+424 s.
39 291

F 1.5
MOORE, John H. - DAVIS, Christopher C. - COPLAN, Michael A.: Building scientific apparatus :
a practical guide to design and construction. - 3rd ed.
Boulder : Westview Press, 2002. - xiii+654 s.
39 247

F 1.8
HAWKING, Stephen W.: The future of spacetime.
New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2002. - 220 s.
39 219

KLUIBER, Zdeněk: Moderní směry ve fyzice = Modern topics in physics.
Praha : ARSCI, 2003. - 301 s.
(FYGYZ : Sv. 4)
39 289

BALL, Philip: Designing the molecular world : chemistry at the frontier.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1994. - vii+376 s.
39 345

BALL, Philip: The self-made tapestry : pattern formation in nature.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999. - 287 s.
39 346

BALL, Philip: Made to measure : new materials for the 21st century.
Princenton : Princenton University Press, 1997. - 458 s.
39 344

F 2.1
ANDERSON, Malcolm R.: The mathematical theory of cosmic strings : cosmic strings in the wire approximation.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003. - xii+380 s.
(Series in high energy physics, cosmology and gravitation)
39 269

HOOFT, Gerard ´t: Introduction to general relativity.
Princeton : Rinton Press, Inc, 2001. - x+86 s.
39 377

F 2.2
HORÁK, Jiří - KRLÍN, Ladislav - RAIDL, Aleš: Deterministický chaos a jeho fyzikální aplikace.
Praha : Academia, 2003. - 437 s.
39 274

F 2.3
CHOY, Tuck C.: Effective medium theory : principles and applications.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1999. - xi+182 s.
(The international series of monographs on physics : Vol. 102)
39 312

F 2.4
Quantum [un]speakables : from Bell to quantum information / eds. Reinhold A. Bertlmann,
Anton Zeilinger.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xxii+483 s.
39 167

ACZEL, Amir D.: Entanglement : the greatest mystery in physics.
New York : Four Walls Eight Windows, 2001. - xviii+284 s.
39 222

HIRVENSALO, Mika: Quantum computing.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xi+190 s.
(Natural computing series)
39 221

COHEN-TANNOUDJI, Claude - DIU, Bernard - LALOÓ, Franck: Mécanique
quantique II. - 2. ed., corrig.
Paris : Hermann, 2000. - xv+ 892-1517 s.
(Collection enseignement des sciences : Vol. 16)
39 268

SCHULMAN, L. S.: Techniques and applications of path integration.
New York : John Wiley&Sons,Inc., 1981. - xv+359 s.
39 363

DUŠEK, Miloslav: Koncepční otázky kvantové teorie.
Olomouc : Univerzita Palackého, 2002. - 236 s.
39 211

AFANASIEV, G. N.: Topological effects in quantum mechanics.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1999. - xii+339 s.
(Fundamental theories of physics : Vol. 107)
39 216

F 2.5
Modeling complexity in economic and social systems / ed. Frank Schweitzer.
New Jersey : World Scientific. - x+391 s.
39 218

PAPON, Pierre - LEBLOND, Jacques - MEIJER, Paul H. E.: The physics of phase transitions : concepts and applications.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xvii+397 s.
(Advanced texts in physics)
39 254

PITAEVSKII, Lev - STRINGARI, Sandro: Bose-Einstein condensation.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2003. - x+382 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 116)
39 298

NEWMAN, Mark E. - BARKEMA, Gerard T.: Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2002. - xiv+475 s.
39 307

WEISS, Ulrich: Quantum dissipative systems. - 2nd ed.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - xvi+448 s.
(Series in modern condensed matter physics : Vol. 10)
39 321

NEZBEDA, Ivo - KOLAFA, Jiří - KOTRLA, Miroslav: Úvod do počítačových
simulací : metody Monte Carlo a molekulární dynamiky. - 2. edition
Praha : Karolinum, 2003. - 204 s.
39 347

VOIT, Johannes: The statistical mechanics of financial markets. - 2nd ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xiv+287 s.
39 359

PAPON, Pierre - LEBLOND, Jacques - MEIJER, Paul H. E.:
The physics of phase transitions : concepts and applications.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xvii+397 s.
39 365

ONUKI, Akira: Phase transition dynamics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - x+714 s.
39 382

LANDAU, David P. - BINDER, Kurt: A guide to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xiii+384 s.
39 202

NELSON, David R.: Defects and geometry in condensed matter physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xiii+377 s.
39 215

SACHDEV, Subir: Quantum phase transitions.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - xiv+353 s.
39 217

F 3.1
JOHNSON, Clifford V.: D-branes.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - xxiii+548 s.
(Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
39 188

NELIPA, Nikolaj F.: Fizika elementarnych častic.
Moskva : Vysšaja škola, 1977. - 608 s.
39 189

OKUN', Lev B.: Slaboje vzaimodejstvije elementarnych častic.
Moskva : Gosudarstvennoje izdatel'stvo fiziko-matematičeskoj literatury, 1963. - 247 s.
39 190

VELTMAN, Martinus J. G.: Facts and mysteries in elementary particle physics.
New Jersey : World Scientific, 2003. - viii+340 s.
39 248

CLOSE, Frank - MARTEN, Michael - SUTTON, Christine: The particle odyssey : a journey to the heart of matter.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - vii+240 s.
39 284

FOKAS, A. S.: Highlights of mathematical physics.
Providence : American Mathematical Society, 2002. - vii+271 s.
39 297

DEWITT, Bryce: The global approach to quantum field theory. Vol. 1.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2003. - xxxi+528 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 114)
39 300

DEWITT, Bryce: The global approach to quantum field theory. Vol. 2.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2003. - xxxi+ 531-1042 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 114)
39 301

PIKE, Edward R. - SARKAR, Sarben: The quantum theory of radiation.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1995. - xii+342 s.
(The international series of monographs on physics : Vol. 86)
39 314

AITCHISON, Ian J. R. - HEY, Anthony J. G.: Gauge theories in particle physics : a practical introduction. Vol. 1: from relativistic quantum mechanics to QED. - 3rd ed.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003. - xvi+406 s.
(Graduate student series in physics)
39 325

Geometry and physics of branes / eds. Ugo Bruzzo, Vittorio Gorini, Ugo Moschella.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003. - x+282 s.
(Series in high energy physics, cosmology and gravitation)
39 327

HOŘEJŠÍ, Jiří: Fundamentals of electroweak theory.
Praha : Karolinum, 2002. - 351 s.
39 348

KLAPDOR-KLEINGROTHAUS, H. V. - STAUDT, A: Non-accelerator particle physics.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1995. - xiii+535 s.
39 360

DONNACHIE, Sandy - DOSCH, Günter - LANDSHOFF, Peter - NACHTMANN, Otto: Pomeron physics and QCD.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xi+347 s.
39 383

F 3.3
LJUBIMOV, A. - KIŠ, D.: Vvedenije v eksperimental'nuju fiziku častic.
Moskva : Fizmatlit, 2001. - 271 s.
39 178

F 4.1
BROOKER, Geoffrey: Modern classical optics.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xiv+397 s.
(Oxford master series in atomic, optical and laser physics : Vol. 8)
39 311

F 4.2
LAUTERBORN, Werner - KURZ, Thomas: Coherent optics : fundamentals and applications.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xiii+346 s.
(Advanced texts in physics)
39 273

BORN, Max - WOLF, Emil: Principles of optics : electromagnetic theory of propagation, interference
and diffraction of light. - 7th ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - xxxiii+952 s.
39 384

F 5.1
ATKINS, P. W. - FRIEDMAN, R. S.: Molecular quantum mechanics. - 3rd ed.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xvii+545 s.
39 264

CHERNYI, G. G. - LOSEV, S. A. - MACHERET, S. O. - POTAPKIN, B. V.: Physical and chemical processes in gas dynamics: cross sections and rate constants for physical and chemical processes : Vol. I. Reston : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2002. - xviii+311 s.; CD-ROM
(Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics : Vol.196)
39 288

GHOSH, Pradip K.: Ion traps.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1995. - x+326 s.
(The international series of monographs on physics : Vol. 90)
39 313

F 5.2
HAZELTINE, Richard D. - WAELBROECK, Francois L.: The framework of plasma physics.
Reading, Mass. : Perseus Books, 1998. - xvi+336 s.
(Frontiers in physics : Vol. 100)
39 185

BRAAMS, C. M. - STOTT, P. E.: Nuclear fusion : half a century of magnetic confinement fusion research.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2002. - xv+327 s.
39 316

LAMB, Horace: Hydrodynamics. - 6th ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. - xxv+738 s.
(Cambridge Mathematical Library)
39 319

BRIGGS, Richard J.: Electron-stream interaction with plasmas.
Cambridge: The M. I. T. Press, 1964. - ix+187 s.
(Research monograph)
17 256

F 5.3
GUYON, Etienne - HULIN, Jean-Pierre - PETIT, Luc - MITESCU, Catalin D.: Physical hydrodynamics.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xxii+505 s.
39 231

FOIAS, Ciprian: Navier-Stokes equations and turbulence.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - xiv+347 s.
(Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications : Vol. 83)
39 251

FRISCH, Uriel: Turbulence : the legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995. - xiii+296 s.
39 385

F 6.1
NYE, J. F.: Physical properties of crystals : their representation by tensors and matrices.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1985. - xvii+329 s.
39 270

International tables for crystallography. Vol. A : space-group symmetry. / ed. Theo Hahn. - 5th ed.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - xx+911 s.
39 286

MORAWIEC, Adam: Orientations and rotations : computations in crystallographic textures.
Berlin : Springer, 2004. - 200 s.
39 361

International tables for crystallography. Vol. E : subperiodic groups. / eds. V. Kopský, D. B. Litvin.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. - ix+562 s.
39 372

F 6.2
Understanding materials : a Festschrift for Sir Peter Hirsch / ed. Colin J. Humphreys.
London : Maney Publishing, 2002. - ix+343 s.
39 250

F 6.3
CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill: The theory of transformations in metals and alloys. Part I. - 3rd ed.
Amsterdam : Pergamon, 2002. - xx+552+SI11 s.
39 229

CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill: The theory of transformations in metals and alloys. Part II. - 3rd ed.
Amsterdam : Pergamon, 2002. - x+553-1113+N2+I14+A16+SII12 s.
39 230

PHILLIPS, Robert B.: Crystals, defects and microstructures : modeling across scales.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - xxvi+780 s.
39 252

Mechanics of solids with phase changes / M. Berveiller, F. D. Fischer.
Wien : Springer, 1997. - 317 s.
(CISM courses and lectures : No. 368)
39 256

FLEWITT, P. E. - WILD, R. K.: Grain boundaries : their microstructure and chemistry.
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2001. - x+326 s.
39 305

PREDEL, B: Phase equilibria of binary alloys.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - CD-ROM
39 362

F 6.4
NANO '02 : proceedings of the National Conference organised by Czech Society for New Materials, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Section and Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / eds. Jiří Švejcar, Pavel Šandera.
Ostrava : Česká společnost pro nové materiály a technologie, 2002. - 322 s.
39 320

F 6.5
Handbook of thin-film deposition processes and techniques : principles, methods, equipment and applications / ed. Krishna Seshan. - 2nd ed.
New York : Noyes Publications, 2002. - xxviii+629 s.
(Materials science and process technology series)
39 235

LÜTH, Hans: Solid surfaces, interfaces and thin films. - 4., rev. and extend. ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xiii+559 s.
(Advanced texts in physics)
39 255

Thin film materials for large area electronics / ed. B. Equer et al..
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1999. - vii+277 s.
(European materials reserach society symposia proceedings : Vol. 80)
39 236

Stress and strain in epitaxy : theoretical concepts, measurements and applications / eds. Margit Hanbücken, Jean-Paul Deville.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2001. - x+322 s.
39 271

OHRING, Milton: Materials science of thin films : deposition and structure. - 2nd ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2002. - xxi+794 s.
39 302

ELSHABINI-RIAD, Aicha A. R. - BARLOW III, Fred D.: Thin film technology handbook.
New York : McGraw-Hill, 1998. - xiii+broken paging.
(Electronic packaging and interconnection series)
39 303

F 7.1
DOVE, Martin T.: Structure and dynamics : an atomic view of materials.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xxii+334 s.
(Oxford master series in condensed matter physics)
39 234

DATTA, Supriyo: Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xv+377 s.
(Cambridge studies in semiconductor physics and microelectronic engineering : Vol. 3)
39 263

TOYOZAWA, Yutaka: Optical processes in solids.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - xvii+422 s.
39 328

Relaxation phenomena : liquid crystals, magnetic systems, polymers, high-Tc superconductors, metallic glasses / eds. W. Haase, S. Wróbel.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xxx+716 s.
39 329

GERSTEN, Joel I. - SMITH, Frederick W.: The physics and chemistry of materials.
New York : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001. - xxix+826 s.
39 369

F 7.2
Semiconductors spintronics and quantum computation / eds. David D. Awschalom, Daniel Loss,
Nitin Samarth.
Berlin : Springer, 2002. - xv+311 s.
(Nanoscience and technology)
39 223

Quantum confined semiconductor nanostructures / ed. Victor I. Klimov et al..
Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2003. - xxiii+834 s.
(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings : Vol. 737)
39 267

Quantum confined semiconductor nanostructures / ed. Victor I. Klimov et al..
Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2003. - xxiii+834 s.
(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings : Vol. 737)
39 285

F 7.3
Electronic structure of alloys, surfaces and clusters / eds. Adhijit Mookerjee, D. D. Sarma.
London : Taylor & Francis, 2003. - xv+368 s.
(Advances in condensed matter science : Vol. 4)
39 186

F 7.4
Spectroscopy of high-Tc superconductors : a theoretical view / ed. N. M. Plakida.
London : Taylor and Francis, 2003. - vi+294 s.
39 233

VOLOVIK, Grigory E.: The universe in a helium droplet.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2003. - xx+509 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 117)
39 299

KRESIN, Vladimir Z. - MORAWITZ, Hans - WOLF, Stuart A.: Mechanisms of conventional and high Tc superconductivity.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1993. - iv+181 s.
(The international series of monographs on physics : Vol. 84)
39 323

The physics of superconductors : conventional and high Tc superconductors / eds. K. H. Bennemann, J. B. Ketterson. - Vol. 1
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xiv+966 s.
39 364

F 7.6
FURETTA, Claudio - WENG, Pao-Shan: Operational thermoluminescence dosimetry.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1998. - viii+252 s.
39 322

F 7.7
Piezoelectric materials in devices / ed. N. Setter.
Lausanne : Ceramics Laboratory, EPFL, 2002. - 518 s.
39 339

F 7.8
GROSS, Alex: Theoretical surface science : a microscopic perspective.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - x+275 s.
(Advanced texts in physics)
39 228

Metody analýzy povrchů : iontové, sondové a speciální metody / red. Luděk Frank, Jaroslav Král.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 489 s.
39 282

Metody analýzy povrchů : iontové, sondové a speciální metody / red. Luděk Frank, Jaroslav Král.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 489 s.
39 290

F 8.1
MAREK, Jaromír - TRÁVNÍČEK, Zdeněk: Monokrystalová rentgenová strukturní analýza.
Olomouc : Universita Palackého, 2002. - 169 s.
39 197

Advances in materials problem solving with the electron microscope / ed. Jim Bentley et al..
Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2001. - xiii+406 s.
(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings : Vol. 589)
39 225

DE GRAEF, Marc: Introduction to conventional transmission electron microscopy.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - xx+718 s.
39 386

F 8.2
Broadband dielectric spectroscopy / eds. F. Kremer, A. Schönhals.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xxi+729 s.
39 368

F 8.7
Third-generation hard x-ray synchrotron radiation sources : source properties, optics, and experimental techniques / ed. Dennis M. Mills.
New York : Wiley-Interscience, 2002. - x+406 s.
39 287

F 9.1
PERKINS, Donald H.: Particle astrophysics.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xii+256 s.
(Oxford master series in particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology)
39 304

ČEMAN, Róbert - PITTICH, Eduard: Vesmír. Díl 2: Hvězdy - Galaxie / translated by Alexandra Fuknová,
Radka Tilšarová, Vladimír Tilšar.
Bratislava : MAPA Slovakia Bratislava, s.r.o., 2003. - 288 s.
39 387

F 9.2
BEDNÁŘ, Jan: Meteorologie.
Praha : Portál, 2003. - 223 s.
39 196

FRONEK, Josef: Anglicko-český slovník : s nejnovějšími výrazy.
Voznice : LEDA, 1998. - xxix+1204 s.
39 338

M 1.1
KOLMAN, Vojtěch: Logika Gottloba Frega.
Praha : Filosofia, 2002. - xvi+295 s.
39 198

SINGH, Simon: Knihy kódů a šifer : tajná komunikace od starého Egypta
po kvantovou kryptografii = The code book / translated by Petr Koubský, Dita Eckhardtová.
Praha : Dokořán/Argo, 2003. - 382 s.
(Aliter : Sv. 9)
39 257

M 1.2
SOSSINSKY, Alexei: Knots : mathematics with a twist = Noeuds : genese d'une théorie mathématique.
Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2002. - xix+127 s.
39 261

M 1.6
NAKAHARA, Mikio: Geometry, topology and physics. - 2nd ed.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003. - xxii+573 s.
(Graduate student series in physics)
39 326

M 2.1
ČERNÝ, Ilja: Úvod do inteligentního kalkulu.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 236 s.
39 210

KOPÁČEK, Jiří: Matematická analýza pro fyziky I.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2002. - 187 s.
39 353

KOPÁČEK, Jiří: Matematická analýza pro fyziky III.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2002. - 224 s.
39 354

KOPÁČEK, Jiří: Matematická analýza pro fyziky IV.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2003. - iv+324 s.
39 355

ČIHÁK, Pavel: Matematická analýza pro fyziky V.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2003. - v+320 s.
39 356

M 2.6
LEBEDEV, N. N.: Special functions and their applications.
New York : Dover Publications, 1972. - xii+308 s.
39 169

M 3.1
BEVINGTON, Philip R. - ROBINSON, D. Keith: Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences. - 3rd ed.
Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2003. - xi+320 s.
39 224

KOTZ, Samuel - NADARAJAH, Saralees: Extreme value distributions : theory and applications.
London : Imperial College Press, 2002. - vii+187 s.
39 317

M 3.2
Heterogenous agents, interactions and economic performance / eds. Robin Cowan, Nicolas Jonard.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xiv+339 s.
(Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems : Vol. 521)
39 168

M 4.2
HLAVENKA, Jiří: Vytváříme WWW stránky a spravujeme moderní Web Site. - 6., actual. ed.
Praha : Computer Press, 2002. - xvi+355 s.
39 182

STAUFFER, Todd: Tvorba webových stránek pro úplné začátečníky = Absolute beginner's
guide to creating web pages / translated by Libor Jelínek.
Praha : SoftPress, 2003. - 560 s. + CD
39 276

FEYNMAN, Richard P.: Feynman lectures on computation / eds. Tony Hey, Robin W. Allen.
Cambridge : Perseus Publishing, 2000. - xiv+303 s.
39 283

HÖFT, Hartmut F. W. - HÖFT, Margret: Computing with Mathematica. - 2nd ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2003. - xviii+313 s.+CD
39 375

M 5.4
DEVLIN, Keith: Jazyk matematiky : jak zviditelnit neviditelné = The language of mathematics / translated by
Jan Švábenský.
Praha : Argo, Dokořán, 2002. - 343 s.
39 180

MANDELBROT, Benoit: Fraktály : tvar, náhoda a dimenze / translated by Jiří Fiala.
Praha : Mladá fronta, 2003. - 206 s.
(Kolumbus : Sv. 163)
39 333

Matematika v 16. a 17. století : sborník / eds. Jindřich Bečvář, Eduard Fuchs.
Praha : Prometheus, 1999. - 321 s.
(Dějiny matematiky : Sv. 12)
39 349

Matematika v 19. století : sborník přednášek z letních škol Historie matematiky / eds. Jindřich Bečvář, Eduard Fuchs.
Praha : Prometheus, 1996. - 143 s.
(Dějiny matematiky : Sv. 3)
39 350

Historie matematiky II : sborník / eds. Jindřich Bečvář, Eduard Fuchs.
Praha : Prometheus, 1997. - 195 s.
(Dějiny matematiky : Sv. 7)
39 351

Matematika v proměnách věků II / eds. Jindřich Bečvář, Eduard Fuchs.
Praha : Prometheus, 2001. - 267 s.
(Dějiny matematiky : Sv. 16)
39 352

KRANTZ, Steven G.: Mathematical apocrypha : stories and anecdotes of mathematicians
and the mathematical.
Washington : The Mathematical Association of America, Inc., 2002. - xii+214 s.
39 381

Nanometer scale science and thechnology / eds. M. Allegrini, N. García, O. Marti.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2001. - xvii+449 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 144)
39 184

Sensing with terahertz radiation / ed. Daniel Mittleman.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xvi+337 s.
(Springer series in optical sciences : Vol. 85)
39 191

SAKODA, Kazuaki: Optical properties of photonic crystals.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xi+223 s.
(Springer series in optical sciences : Vol. 80)
39 192

Annual review of nuclear and particle science. Vol. 52. / eds. Chris Quigg, Vera Lüth.
Palo Alto, CA : Annual Reviws, 2002. - ix+483 s.
(Annual review of nuclear and particle science : Vol. 52)
39 193

Solid state physics. Advances in research and applications. Vol. 57 / eds. Henry Ehrenreich,
Frans Spaepen.
Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2002. - x+339 s.
(Solid state physics : Vol. 57)
39 200

Cavity-enhanced spectroscopies / eds. Roger D. van Zee, J. Patrick Looney.
Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2002. - xviii+323 s.
(Experimental methods in the physical sciences : Vol. 40)
39 201

Magnetic resonance in colloid and interface science / eds. Jacques Fraissard, Olga Lapina.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - xii+664 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 76)
39 203

Advances in electromagnetics of complex media and metamaterials / eds. Said Zouhdi, Ari Sihvola,
Mohamed Arsalane.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - xi+485 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 89)
39 204

Clifford analysis and its applications / eds. F. Brackx, J. S. R. Chisholm, V. Souček.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2001. - xii+416 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 25)
39 205

QCD perspectives on hot and dense matter / eds. J.-P. Blaizot, E. Iancu.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2002. - xii+522 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 87)
39 206

Spin dynamics in confined magnetic structures II / eds. Burkard Hillebrands, Kamel Ounadjela.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xv+321 s.
(Topics in apllied physics : Vol. 87)
39 226

Electronic structure and magnetism of complex materials / eds. David J. Singh,
Dimitrios A. Papaconstantopoulos.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xiv+326 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 54)
39 227

Fundamental physics of ferroelectrics 2002 / ed. Ronald E. Cohen.
Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2002. - ix+313 s.
(AIP conference proceedings : Vol. 626)
39 220

Low-dimensional systems: theory, preparation, and some applications / eds. Luis M. Liz-Marzán, Michael Giersig.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003. - xix+322 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 91)
39 237

Towards the first silicon laser / eds. Lorenzo Pavesi, Sergey Gaponenko, Luca Dal Negro.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003. - xiv+482 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 93)
39 238

Material research in atomic scale by Mössbauer spectroscopy / eds. Miroslav Mashlan,
Marcel Miglierini, Peter Schaaf.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003. - x+361 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 94)
39 239

The nature of time: geometry, physics and perception / eds. Rosolino Buccheri, Metod Saniga,
William Mark Stuckey.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003. - xvii+446 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 95)
39 240

Molecular electronics: bio-sensors and bio-computers / eds. L. Barsanti, V. Evangelista, P. Gualtieri,
V. Passarelli, S. Vestri.
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2003. - viii+545 s.
(NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 96)
39 241

Experimental quantum computation and information / eds. F. de Martini, C. Monroe.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2002. - xviii+541 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 148)
39 272

Recent trends in theory of physical phenomena in high magnetic fields / eds. Israel D. Vagner,
Peter Wyder, Tsofar Maniv.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - x+345 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 106)
39 308

Synchronization : theory and application / eds. Arkady Pikovsky, Yuri Maistrenko.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - 258 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 109)
39 309

Wave scattering in complex media : from theory to applications / eds. Bart van Tiggelen,
Sergey Skipetrov.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xvi+622 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 107)
39 310

Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 54 / eds. Stephen R. Leone, Paul Alivisatos,
Ann E. McDermott.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2003. - x+608 s.
39 318

Phase transitions and critical phenomena. Vol. 20 : cumulative author, title and subject index, including
table of contents, volumes 1-19 / eds. C. Domb, J. L. Lebowitz.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - 201 s.
39 315

Annual review of materials research. Vol. 33 / eds. Klaus-Dieter Kreuer, David R. Clarke,
Manfred Rühle, John C. Bravman.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2003. - xi+654 s.
39 330

Concepts in electron correlation / eds. Alex C. Hewson, Veljko Zlatic.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - 385 s.
(NATO science series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 110)
39 334

Spin structure of the nucleon / eds. Erhard Steffens, Revaz Shanidze.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xii+270 s.
(NATO science series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 111)
39 335

Organic nanostructures: science and applications / eds. V. M. Agranovich, G. C. La Rocca.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2002. - xvii+630 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 149)
39 357

Plasmas in the Universe / eds. B. Coppi, A. Ferrari.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2000. - xvi+503 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 142)
39 358

GLADKOV, S. O.: Dielectric properties of porous media.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xiii+261 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 59)
39 366

HEILMANN, Andreas: Polymer films with embedded metal nanoparticles.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - x+216 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 52)
39 367

Progress in string, field and particle theory / eds. Laurent Baulieu, Eliezer Rabinovici, Jeff Harvey, Boris Pioline, Paul Windey.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xiii+507 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 104)
39 378

Optical properties of 2D systems with interacting electrons / eds. Wolfgang J. Ossau, Robert Suris.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - 292 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 119)
39 379

New directions in mesoscopic physics (towards nanoscience) / eds. R. Fazio,
V. F. Gantmakher, Y. Imry.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xi+379 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 125)
39 380

Hvězdářská ročenka 2004. Ročník 80 / red. Pavel a kol. Příhoda.
Praha : Hvězdárna a planetárium hl. m. Prahy v koedici s Astronomickým
ústavem AV ČR, 2003. - 276 s.
39 388

NAKAYAMA, Tsuneyoshi - YAKUBO, Kousuke: Fractal concepts in condensed matter physics.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - vi+206 s.
(Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences : Vol. 140)
39 392

VAGNER, Israel D. - LEMBRIKOV, Boris - WYDER, Peter: Electrodynamics of magnetoactive media.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - xiii+422 s.
(Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences : 135)
39 397

T 6
BALZANI, Vincenzo - CREDI, Alberto - VENTURI, Margeritha: Molecular devices and machines :
a journey into the nano world.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2003. - xvii+494 s.
39 249

Nanoelectronics and information technology : advanced electronic materials and novel
devices / ed. Rainer Waser.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2003. - 1001 s.
39 266

Nanoelectronics and information technology : advanced electronic materials and novel
devices / ed. Rainer Waser.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2003. - 1001 s.
39 292

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