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Biology Centre: Relationships between the structure and function of decomposer food web in soil

Biology Centre of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Relationships between the structure and function of decomposer food web in soil

The overall objective is a better understanding of linkages between community structure and function in soil decomposer food web in soil and the role of soil biota in terrestrial ecosystem functioning and services. Mechanisms of interactions between soil organisms and between soil organisms and functional parameters and processes in soil will be studied along gradients of environmental conditions (succession, soil and ecosystem management, environmental stress) at organism (including molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects) to ecosystem levels. Anticipated results of this complex research include gaining new knowledge on taxonomic and functional diversity of soil organisms, on their adaptations to abiotic and biotic factors of environment, on the role of soil organisms in crucial soil processes and their effects on other parts of ecosystem. Some results will be applied in nature protection and conservation, agriculture, forestry, and in land reclamation and remediation.