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The King of Sweden with a Royal Technology Mission on a Visit of the Academy of Sciences of the CR

10 May 2012

The members of the Swedish Royal Technology Mission 2012, which was not lacking even King Carl XVI Gustaf, met on Wednesday 9 May 2012 at the headquarters of the ASCR with the representatives of out most important scientific institution. At the opening, President of the ASCR Prof. Jiří Drahoš welcomed the guests. He briefly introduced the Academy of Sciences of the CR and its role in our system of science and research, including the international cooperation projects. The Swedish delegation then was acquainted with the Tokamak COMPASS project by Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics Petr Křenek and Head of the Tokamak Department Radomír Pánek. The PALS system was presented by the project coordinator Jiří Ullschmied and Director of the Institute of Physics of the ASCR Jan Řídký introduced the future superlaser called ELI.

Fast manipulation of a magnet by light

1 Apr 2012

A discovery of Czech physicists published in Nature Physics

A direct transfer of angular momentum from a circularly polarized light to spins allows to excite a magnet from its equilibrium state at sub-picosecond time scales. The discovery, allowing to manipulate spins in a magnet by short laser pulses, was reported by scientists from the joint Laboratory of Opto-Spintronics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University and the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The work was published on April 1st 2012 in the journal Nature Physics.

Václav Havel in Contemporary History

19 Mar 2012

Working Conference at the Headquarters of the ASCR
The figure of Václav Havel as a publically engaged intellectual was the subject of a conference held by the Institute for Contemporary History (ÚSD) of the ASCR on Monday, 19 March 2012 at the Headquarters of the ASCR in Prague. It was attended by a number of historians and other experts from the ASCR as well as from other institutions. According to the director of the ÚSD, ASCR, PhDr. Oldřich Tůma, PhD., two main reasons led to the organisation of the conference – the motif of the symbolic farewell to Václav Havel and venerating his memory and then on the working level an attempt for an objective and unbiased formulation or at least a preliminary definition of the ground plan of what V. Havel means for Czech society and its history.

Syncytin – dobrý sluha, ale zlý pán

24 Feb 2012

New knowledge from virologists from the Academy of Sciences of the CR
Endogenetic retroviruses, which attacked our ancestors millions of years ago and became components of human DNA, which thanks to evolution do not evoke infections in our organisms but some of their genes, on the other hand, benefit us, because they are models of the synthesis of several proteins enriching cells by a new essential function. Nevertheless, in ‘the wrong places’, this at other times welcome life-giving ability can work counterproductively and threaten our health. A team of virologists led by Dr Jiří Hejnar from the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR has described the mechanisms regulating these processes.

Milk Thistle and Green Tea against Cancer

21 Jan 2012

Czech scientists have developed new anti-cancer substances
New possibilities in the treatment of cancer diseases have been opened by a discovery by Czech and Spanish researchers. The team of prof. Vladimír Křen from the Institute of Microbiology (MBÚ) of the ASCR along with the team of prof. Jitka Ulrichová from the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc and with scientists from Universidad de Málaga in Spain have developed new derivatives with antiangiogenic activity on the basis of silybin ‒ substances obtained from milk thistle (Silybum marianum).

White Nose Syndrome: Can Czech Bats Help American Bats?

20 Jan 2012

An Article by Czech Scientists in the Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Scientists from Moravian workplaces have proved that bats here suffer from white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease that is threatening the ecosystem in North America. In the Czech Republic as well as in other parts of Europe, bats with this syndrome die only very rarely and the disease has not yet caused a decline in the population numbers. Uncovering the cause of ‘European immunity’ could save North American bats and avert also the disruption of the biological balance in that part of the world.

My Meeting with Václav Havel

20 Dec 2011

Recollection of Honorary President of the ASCR Prof. Rudolf Zahradník
At the very beginning, there was the Na zábradlí Theatre. As a member of the audience, I could look into the author’s mind for the first time. I tremendously appreciated the numerous announcements of Charter 77 on various topics, which weighed heavily on democrats in oppressed Czechoslovakia; it was said that it was he who significantly contributed to their wording. After the second miracle of my life (the first was the end of the world war), after the collapse of the cheekiness called real socialism, I saw V. H. for the first time with my own eyes. It was at a restaurant boat anchored on the River Vltava, where he invited about fifteen researchers and artists for a discussion and dinner in 1991…

New Laboratories for Polymer Research Named after Otto Wichterle

4 Nov 2011

The scientists of the Otto Wichterle Centre of Polymer Materials and Technologies (CPMT OW) Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (ÚMCH) of the Academy of Sciences of the CR are beginning to work in new laboratories. They were ceremonially opened on Thursday, 3rd November 2011 within the Open House Days of the Institutes (3–4 November), which are in the programme of the Science and Technology Week (STW) festival. On this occasion, the director of the institute František Rypáček emphasised the fundamental importance of polymers for modern man. They have penetrated into electronics, pharmacy and medicine and are becoming indispensible for us.

The Discovery of the Principle of Timing the Activation of Memories in the Brain

30 Sep 2011

A Publication of a Czech Neurophysiologist in the Journal Nature
How is the relevant memory activated in the brain? An answer is provided by a just published work in the specialised journal Nature (Theta-paced flickering between place-cell maps in the hippocampus). Doctor Karel Ježek from the Institute of Physiology of the ASCR in cooperation with a team of researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU) and the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Trieste (SISSA), led by Prof. Edvard Moser, discovered a method allowing the detailed description of the process of the activation of memory on the level of individual neurons.

Discussions on Wheat Improvement in Paris

16 Sep 2011

A Significant Contribution by a Czech Laboratory
The International Research Initiative for Wheat Improvement (IRIWI) held its first meeting on Thursday, 15 September 2011 in Paris at a meeting of the G20 group, associating the most advanced economies of the world. Distinguished scientists, directors of research organisations, food-industry experts and politicians gathered there. The initiative coordinates worldwide research leading to the improvement of better varieties of wheat. The aim is to increase their crop yields and avert a food crisis. Also Czech scientists from the Institute of Experimental Botany (ÚEB) of the Academy of Sciences of the CR and Centre of the Haná Region for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research cooperate within the IRIWI.