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EUSJA General Assembly

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& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

«Estudi General» European Scientific Divulgation Award

The University of Valencia and the Town Council of Alzira announce the sixteenth “Estudi General” European Scientific Divulgation Award in collaboration with Edicions Bromera and the sponsorship of Bancaixa, with the purpose of stimulating the creation and divulgation of works in simple, straightforward language to provide the public in general and university students in particular with information on scientific and technological advances and the divulgation of useful aspects of any variety of realms of knowledge.


Entries for the «Estudi General» European Scientific Divulgation Award are to be original, unpublished essays on popular scientific or technological topics written in Valencian, Spanish, English or French, with a length of 100 to 200 double-spaced typewritten DIN A4 pages on one side only. A computer file copy should be presented. The title page should include the following “Entry for the «Estudi General» 2010 European Scientific Divulgation Award”. The titles of the works presented will be published on the website www.valencia.edu/cdciencia.

The cash purse of the «Estudi General» Award is 18,000 euros, to be understood as payment for the copyright for the first 4000 copies that may be sold, and as remuneration of the status of jury in next year's edition. This award is also sponsored by Bancaixa.

The jury shall be comprised of the following members: Amparo Latorre; Amador Menéndez; Fernando Sapiña; Carlos Correal (Councillor of Culture, Alzira Town Council) as appointed by the Mayor of Alzira, and Pedro Carrasco as appointed by the Rector of the University of Valencia, who shall act as chairman.

The jury shall follow the procedure of successive voting until a majority of votes are given to one single work, which shall be classified as the winner. Nevertheless, should the jury decide that none of the entries has the minimum quality for publishing, the award may be withheld. In no case shall be divided the award cash purse.

Edicions Bromera and the Servei de Publicacions of the University of Valencia shall be the co-publishers of the winning work, in its Valencian version, within the collection called Sense Fronteres. These publishers shall have a preferential option, for a maximum period of one month, to decide on the publication of any other non-awardwinning works presented, if recommended to do so by the jury. The Servei de Publicacions of the University of Valencia shall have the preferential option of publishing the works in other languages and commissioning for their translation if so required.

The period for acceptance of entries closes on 13 September 2010. Entries should be sent to: Register Office of Universitat de València addressed to Càtedra de Divulgació de la Ciència, Universitat de València, Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13. 46010 València, Spain.

The award shall be given on the very same day as all other prizes in the «Ciutat d'Alzira» awards ceremony to be held on 12 November 2010. The awards ceremony will take place during a literary dinner where the winners will receive, besides the cash purse, the trophy designed by Manuel Boix, symbol of the «Ciutat d'Alzira» Literary Awards.

The original manuscripts, typewritten and clearly legible, shall be presented in five copies and must bear on the cover: the title of the work, the author’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. Works may also be presented under a pseudonym, as long as the corresponding information is contained in a sealed envelope.

Original works not receiving an award may be collected from 1 December 2010 at the Càtedra de Divulgació de la Ciència, Universitat de València. Works may be returned to authors by courier service on request and at the author’s own expense. The organisation shall not be held liable for any lost copies. Any originals still not claimed  after 1 month shall be destroyed.

The presentation of originals presupposes the total acceptance of these regulations and of the rights and obligations derived therefrom. Any issues not covered by the present regulations shall be freely resolved by the jury.

The winner agrees to join the jury for the following edition, as a duty resulting from award, which includes the remuneration of the aforementioned commitment.

Further information: cdciencia@uv.es

Maria Josep Picó i Garcés
Universitat de València
Càtedra de Divulgació de la Ciència
Unitat de Cultura Científica
Amadeu de Savoia, 4, 2a planta
46010 València
Tel. +34 96 339 50 06
Fax +34 96 339 50 08

13 Jul 2010