
The official magazine of the ASCR


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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

Institutes of the ASCR received support from Research Support Fund

The National Training Fund organized a meeting on the occasion of finalizing the research subprojects, which received the grants from the Research Support Fund. Among the invited guests were Norwegian Ambasador to the Czech Republic His Excellency Jens Eikaas or Josef Syka, the member of the Steering Committee of the Fund.


The Fund is a form of support financed by the financial mechanisms of European Economic Area and Norway, with contribution of the Czech state budget. The Financial Mechanism aims to reduce social and economic disparities within the European Economic Area (EEA) and to enable all EEA countries to participate in the internal market. By these mechanisms the states of EFTA (Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) contribute also to the Czech Republic to develop projects in agreed priority areas. The Czech Republic financial envelop is 110,91 million euro. One of the projects, which have been supported by the Norway Grants, is Resurrected Treasures . Its main goal is to create a technical solution for the preservation of a valuable – and in many ways unique – collection of photographs.


25 Jan 2011