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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

EPOS PP Regional Conference 2012

The EPOS Preparatory Phase (PP) project regularly organizes regional conferences to promote the research infrastructure and, specifically, involve and exchange experience among regional stakeholders. The first regional conference will be focused on the Central European area and will be held in Prague.

Meeting Goals

· Outreach: to engage with, and explain the benefits of participation in the EPOS community to, the data provider and user communities, in particular those not yet involved in, or aware of, the EPOS integration plan;
· Promoting national harmonization of EPOS: demonstrate, by way of successful examples, how individual RIs can be coordinated at a national and regional level. Organize debates among representatives of governmental institutions and funding agencies already involved in EPOS (partners and associate partners);
· Increasing the visibility of EPOS across Europe: to promote the EPOS vision and mission to network partners across the EPOS PP;
· Showcasing EPOS: presenting the EPOS architecture, the existing data infrastructures and the designed core services;
· Encouraging international cooperation and promoting networking initiatives.

Programme: key sessions
Central European solid earth community and EPOS initiative
 Presenting and discussing the solid earth community in diverse Central European countries as well as their links to and interest in EPOS. Furthermore discussing the workflow and timeline of the EPOS Preparatory Phase project objectives. An opportunity to discuss impending issues and a chance for potential future partners to learn how the Preparatory Phase is working.
A sustainable future for EPOS
 Promoting transfer of knowledge and capacity building: Presentations from and discussion of experiences by regional federations, national consortia, national funding and roadmaps. Sharing national implementation plans with others to improve strategies, approaches and bottlenecks. Furthermore discussing the need for and ways of national governmental support to EPOS.
Socio-economic impact and innovation for society
 Presentations by and discussions with different stakeholders on EPOS’ impact on global environmental, economic and societal issues.
A more detailed programme can be downloaded here


Date & Venue
19 – 21 March, 2012
Prague, Hotel Globus
A registration form for the EPOS Regional Conference can be found here .
Only a limited number of seats are available.


For more information please contact the EPOS Management Office .


14 Mar 2012