The Institute of Photonics and Electronics breaks up to the following research departments:

Department of Bioelectrodynamics
Chairman: Michal Cifra, Ph.D.
Time and Frequency Department
Chairman: Alexander Kuna, Ph.D.
Department of Guided-wave Photonics
Chairman: Pavel Honzátko, Ph.D.
Department of Optical Sensors
Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Jiří Homola, Ph.D., DSc.
Department of Optical Fibres Technology
Chairman: Ivan Kašík, Ph.D.
Department of Diagnostics

The other departments:

Chairman: Dita Březinová, MSc.
Library and scientific information
Chairman: Petr Vacek, MSc.
Department of Information Technology
Chairman: Martin Havlíček, MSc.
Mechanical Workshop
Chairman: Ladislav Kramoliš
Accounting department
Chairman: Naděžda Plášilová, MSc.
Services and supplies
Chairman: Jaroslav Fory