Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic › About AS CR › AS CR Structure › Research institutes › servis
Centre of Administration and Operations of the ASCR, v. v. i.
110 00 Praha 1
The Centre for Administration and Operations of the ASCR (hereinafter the Centre), an independent legal entity of a non-profit character, is the successor to the Centre for Services of the ASCR established by a resolution of the twentieth session of the Committee for Managing Institutes of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences held on 29 March 1991, which took effect on 1 May 1991. Under Section 18/2 of Act No. 283/1992 Coll. on the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Centre became an entity of the Academy of Sciences of the ASCR. Pursuant to Act No. 341/2005 Coll. on public research institutions, the Centre became a public research institution, effective since 1 January 2007 and has been placed on the register of public research institutions kept by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
The principal task of the Centre is to provide a research infrastructure for the ASCR and its Institutes. This priority is also specified in the research objective of the Centre: "Implementation of the research infrastructure and development of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, a necessary prerequisite of the qualitative development of scientific disciplines of the ASCR", particularly in areas such as electronic communications, administration of networks and data banks, data processing and data bank services, administration and development of the economic information system, development of the technical and programme equipment for computational techniques, processing of information on science and research, promotion of international cooperation, public popularisation and propagation of science, organisation of scientific conferences, specialised and educational courses and training, operation of cultural/educational facilities under the trade name of Academia (the publishing house of the ASCR), administration of real property, operation of accommodation and catering facilities, legal support, patent and licence services, investment-engineering and operational activities, and arranging cultural events of international cooperation and propagation of science.
Besides these principal activities, the Centre carries out a number of additional functions and tasks.