Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute

Tuition & Fees



Standard tuition for the complete MAE program is 8500 Euro.


Exceptionally well-prepared applicants can apply for a scholarship of up to 50% of their tuition. These scholarships are considered on a case-by-case basis.

To apply for the scholarship, submit a scholarship request together with other application materials. The scholarship request is a maximum 2-page letter describing why you should  receive the scholarship. Remember that academic merit is the criterion for awarding the scholarship.

The scholarship request can be uploaded on the last page of the on-line application form or sent by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Preparatory Semester

Preparatory Semester fee: 300 USD

This sum is deducted from the 1st tuition payment. If you apply late and do not attend the Preparatory Semester, the fee is not paid and your 1st tuition payment is 300 USD more.

Health Insurance (required by Czech law)

It is required by Czech law to have health insurance from an approved insurance company regardless of coverage you might have from your home country. You purchase the insurance when applying for the visa.

Estimated costs: approximately 750 EUR for the 6-month visa period (about 1500 EUR for the complete 12-month MAE program).

Visa Application Costs

Applying for the visa incurs several  costs that depend on your citizenship and your location relative to an embassy or consulate. It also depends on when you apply.

Thesis (optional)

Completing the thesis is not required to gain the MAE degree. This fee pays for the increased faculty attention to an individual student and added administration costs.

Fee: 1500 EUR for completing a thesis, due before the first day of the semester  you start work on the thesis.



The total tuition is divided into  five payments  for each student:

  1. Tuition Deposit: 1000 USD. Paid by May 15, 2013 or within 30 days of receiving your admissions decision if you apply after March 31, 2013. Tuition deposit confirms your place in the program.  Non-refundable. 
  2. Preparatory Semester Fee: 300 USD. This is essentially a second tuition deposit. Due by the first day of the Preparatory Semester (the beginning of July). This payment is then deducted from your first tuition payment.
  3. First Tuition Payment: (Your tuition level)/3 - 1000 USD - 300 USD (if you paid the Preparatory Semester Fee). Due by the first day of  the fall semester in September.
  4. Second Tuition Payment: (Your tuition level)/3. Due by the first day of the  spring semester in January.
  5. Third Tuition Payment: (Your tuition level)/3. Due by the first day of the summer semester in April.

Method of Payment

We accept payment through electronic bank transfer. Details for making payments will be provided  when you are admitted to the program. For extraordinary smaller payments, you can also pay via PayPal.

Failure to meet the payment schedule will cause  you to lose student status and make it impossible to complete the MAE program.


Financial Support

Other than generous individual discounts and scholarships, CERGE-EI at the present time cannot offer any other financial support for students, nor do we administer the granting of other funds.

It is possible for students to obtain bank loans and other support for study. The MAE program will make every effort to assist students in searching for such opportunities.