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The Neuron Prize awarded to Professor Miroslav Fiedler

Since 2010, the Karel Janeček Foundation for Support of Science and Research has been awarding the Neuron Prize to selected researchers. Medicine, economy and mathematics were in the scope this year. more

Professor Miroslav Fiedler was awarded the Neuron Prize for his lifelong work in mathematics.close

  Interview with Prof. Fiedler

Applications of Mathematics 2013

The conference AM2013  in honor of the 70th birthday of Karel Segeth will be held on 15-17 May 2013 in the Institute of Mathematics AS CR.

Organizers: Hana Bílková, Michal Křížek, Jakub Šístek, Tomáš Vejchodský

The 9th Eduard Čech Lecture: Vladimír Souček, Charles University, Prague

Title:  The rôle of symmetries in mathematics and physics
Wednesday, 28 November 2012 at 2 p.m., in the main lecture hall of the Institute of Mathematics

For abstract see the flyer below. The distinguished Eduard Čech Lectures held to commemorate the one of the most eminent Czech mathematicians and founder of the Institute are directed to a general mathematical audience.close


Summer School on Reaction-Diffusion Systems

The summer school for Master and PhD students and other persons intersted in mathematical models of reaction and reaction-diffusion systems and their aplications will be held in the Institute of Mathematics AS CR from 6th to 8th August 2013.

Doc. RNDr. Tomáš Vejchodský, Ph.D.,
Matematický ústav AV ČR
Centre for Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford

Otto Wichterle Premium for young researchers awarded to Jakub Šístek

Ing. Jakub Šístek, PhD., received from the President of the Academy of Sciences Prof. Jiří Drahoš the Otto Wichterle Premium for young researchers. The award connected with a financial premium of 90 000 crowns in the three subsequent years has been established in 2002 to encourage and support young promising researchers in institutes of the Academy of Sciences. Jakub Šístek is one of 23 young researches awarded the Premium this year.


ERC Advanced Grant for Eduard Feireisl

Eduard Feireisl's ERC Advanced Grant proposal "MATHEF – Mathematical Thermodynamics of Fluids" has been selected for funding in the period 2013–2018. A great success of the Czech mathematics  as this is the first ERC Advanced Grant for mathematics in the Czech Republic and the only one assigned to a Czech scientist this year! Eduard Feireisl was the chair of the Scientific Committee of the 6th European Congress of Mathematics in Kraków, 2012, and is also the chair of the Scientific Committee of Equadiff 13 in Praha, 2013. The call for a PhD. student  to work in the grant has been closed.

  Eduard Feireisl's home page
  Academy of Sciences - Press release

EQUADIFF 13, Prague, August 26–30, 2013

Under the name "Equadiff", two series of important international conferences on differential equations have been organized every two years alternatively in Eastern and Western Europe during the last decades. The next Equadiff 13 takes place in Prague in the period August 26–30, 2013.
  Registration has been opened at
  For further information visit
  The previous volumes of Equadiff are available in the Czech Digital Mathematics Library

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