On 19 March was held Election of members of the Academic Council and the Scientific Council of the Republic for the term 2013-2017. The Chairman of the AS CR prof. Jiri Drahos stepped reflections on the development and activities of the AS CR in the past four years and commented on the report on the AC of the AS CR for the period from XLI. Academic Assembly meeting. Also introduced some important results of scientific activities and talked about the new strategy for further development of the Academy of Sciences.
The elected members of the ScientificCouncil of the Republic for the term 2013-2017:
Internal candidates from the first field of science inanimate nature:
Prof. Ing. Jiří Čtyroký, DrSc.
Prof. RNDr. Miroslav Engliš, DrSc.
RNDr. Antonín Fejfar, CSc.
Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc.
Ing. Vladimír Nekvasil, DrSc.
Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
Prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc.
Internal candidates from II. areas of life sciences and chemical sciences:
Doc. RNDr. Jiří Dědina, CSc., DSc.
Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Doležel, DrSc.
Prof. Ing. Jiří Hanika, DrSc.
Prof. RNDr. Ladislav Kavan, DSc.
Prof. RNDr. Emil Paleček, DrSc.
Prof. RNDr. Blanka Říhová, DrSc.
Prof. Ing. Karel Ulbrich, DrSc.
Internal candidates from III. Humanities and Social Sciences:
PhDr. Antonín Kostlán, CSc.
PhDr. Zdenka Mansfeldová, CSc.
Doc. RNDr. Karel Oliva, Dr.
Doc. PhDr. Lydia Petráňová, CSc.
Prof. PhDr. František Šmahel, DrSc., dr.h.c.
Doc. PhDr. Helena Ulbrechtová, Ph.D.
Doc. PhDr. Radomír Vlček, CSc.
External candidates:
Doc. Mirjam Friedová, Ph.D.
Prof. RNDr. Jiří Hořejší, DrSc.
Prof. PhDr. Josef Kandert, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Josef Koubek, CSc., FEng.
Prof. Ing. Miloš Marek, DrSc.
Prof. RNDr. Jana Musilová, CSc.
Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Michael Newerkla
Prof. PhDr. Lubomír Slavíček, CSc.
Prof. RNDr. Jiří Zlatuška, CSc.