Department of Separation Processes
Department number:
Head of Department:
Jiřičný Vladimír
Suchdol Laboratory of Supercritical Fluid Extraction
History of the Research Projects
Head of DepartmentScientist
- Ing. Jiřičný Vladimír, CSc.
Deputy Head of DepartmentScientist
- Ing. Křišťál Jiří, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
- prof. Ing. Hanika Jiří, DrSc.
- Ing. Sovová Helena, CSc.
- Ing. Staněk Vladimír, DrSc.
- Ing. Heyberger Aleš, CSc.
- Ing. Izák Pavel, Ph.D.
- Ing. Rousková Milena, Ph.D.
- Ing. Sajfrtová Marie, Ph.D.
- Ing. Stavárek Petr, Ph.D.
- Ing. Uchytil Petr, CSc.
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Ing. Řezníčková Jiřina, Ph.D.
- Ing. Setničková Kateřina, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
- Ing. Vychodilová Hana, CSc.
Ph.D. Student
- Ing. Drhová Magdalena
- Ing. Jarmarová Veronika
- Ing. Kurčová Markéta
- Ing. Machalová Zdeňka
- Ing. Poloncarzová Magda
- Ing. Topiař Martin
- Ing. Vajglová Zuzana
- Ing. Záloha Petr
Research Assistant
- Ing. Kačírková Marie
- Ing. Morávková Lenka
- Ing. Petričkovič Roman
Lab Technician
Výzkumné projekty:
- Liquid layers immobilized between nanoparticles-filled membranes for gas separation , GACR , Uchytil Petr
- Separation of volatile organic compounds from air , GACR , Izák Pavel
- F3 - Factory , FP7 , Jiřičný Vladimír
- Purification of biogas from waste water treatment supported ionic liquid membrane , MPO , Izák Pavel
- Chemical degradation of polybrominated difenyl ethers , GACR , Jiřičný Vladimír
- Study of polymeric membrane swelling and make use of this efect for increasing its permeability , GACR , Uchytil Petr
- Determination of biological activity and chemical composition of selected tropical and subtropical Ranunculaceae species , GACR , Sovová Helena
- Ionic membranes for selective separation of liquid mixtures by pervaporation , GACR , Izák Pavel
- Mass transport during vapour permeation and pervaporation , MŠMT , Uchytil Petr
- Optimisation of Supercritical Fluid Extraction for Maximal Yield of Biologically Active Substances from Plants , MŠMT , Sovová Helena
- Supramolecular materials based on natural phytosterols for application in biology , MŠMT , Sovová Helena