The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic


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EURAXESS Czech republic

Project Director:
Mgr. Viktória Bodnárová
tel: (+420) 221 146 387
fax: (+420) 221 146 380
website of the project:

The aim of the project is to support and improve the cooperation within the European network of EURAXESS mobility centres, which aid primarily foreign scientific-research employees. Emphasis is places particularly on the exchange of good experiences and training of individual members of the network through working meeting and workshops, promotion of the services of the EURAXESS network, a unified and synoptic appearance of the national portals and the possibility of free submission and searching of the free employment positions in science and research at the EURAXESS Europe-wide portal.
The ‘EURAXESS T.O.P.’ Project is financed by the European Commission with the 7th FP – People Programme.