Continuous Doppler sounding in the Czech Republic
- Description of the Continuous Doppler sounding system and an example of measurement.
- Current distribution of transmitters and receivers in the Czech Republic.
- Latest Doppler shift spectrograms and spectrogram archive
- List of publications related to Continuous Doppler sounding:
- Chum, J., F. Hruska, J. Zednik, and J. Lastovicka (2012), Ionospheric disturbances (infrasound waves) over the Czech Republic excited by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A08319, doi:10.1029/2012JA017767.
- Chum, J., R. Athieno, J. Base, D. Buresova, F. Hruska, J. Lastovicka, L.-A. McKinnell, and T. Sindelarova (2012), Statistical Investigation of Horizontal Propagation of Gravity Waves in the Ionosphere over Europe and South Africa, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A03312, doi:10.1029/2011JA017161.
- Šindelářová, T., Z. Mošna, D. Burešová, J. Chum, L.-A. McKinnell, and R. Athieno (2012), Observations of wave activity in the ionosphere over South Africa in geomagnetically quiet and disturbed periods, Adv. Space Res, 50, 182-195.
- Lastovicka, J., J. Base, F. Hruska, J. Chum, T. Sindelarova, J. Horalek, J. Zednik, and V. Krasnov (2010), Simultaneous infrasonic, seismic, magnetic and ionospheric observations in an earthquake epicentre, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 72, 1231-1240, doi: 10.1016/jastp.2010.08.005.
- Chum, J., T. Šindelářová, J. Laštovička, F. Hruška, D. Burešová, and J. Baše (2010), Horizontal velocities and propagation directions of gravity waves in the ionosphere over the Czech Republic, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A11322, doi:10.1029/2010JA015821.