Název: |
Multiuživatelské přijímače CDMA signálů |
Člen: |
Dr. Ing. Petr Bezucha; Ing. Svetozár Ďurovič, DrSc.; Ing. Miroslav Ježek; Ing. Štěpán Kučera |
Od: |
2003-10-01 |
Do: |
0000-00-00 |
Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA) transmission suffers from multiuser
interference (MUI) if the channel causes lack of orthogonality of CDMA signals.
Linear and nonlinear processing of multiplexed signals enables to diminish MUI
to an acceptable level. In dependence on a processing method code
synchronization of useful signal or all signals is necessary. Methods of CDMA
signal detection and synchronization are analyzed and compared from the point
of view of detection and synchronization quality and complexity.
The international cooperation is formalized within project European COST 289
“Spectrum and Power Efficient Broadband Communications”.